Troye VI

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The morning of Joe's wedding, everyone was up early. Those of us who'd flown in from interstate, were sharing a house together on the Miami beach front so it was a bit of a mad-house trying to get everyone ready.

"Daddy!" I looked up to see Aiden standing at the top of the stairs, half-dressed in the little tux we'd gotten him. His blue shirt wasn't tucked in and he was shaking at the jacket for some reason.

"What's up, buddy?"

"I can't put this on. It's stuck." He complained, still shaking the jacket.

"Come here." He jumped down the stairs and I quickly sorted out his clothes, tucking in his shirt and straightening the jacket. "Alright. Now, go and wait in the living room with Dylan. Don't go getting yourself dirty."

"Yes daddy." He scurried off and I went to find Connor up in our room where he was getting dressed himself. He didn't hear me coming in so I crept up behind him and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck.

"Go, you scared me." He laughed, turning to face me.

"Hm. You look good." I muttered, trailing kisses along his jaw line. "I haven't seen you look this good since our wedding."

"Troye, as much as I like where you're going with this, we have somewhere to be soon. And there are eight other people in the house." He pulled back with a groan. I pouted but knew he was right.

"You have to save me a dance at the reception, then."

"Of course. But you'll have to get in line. Aiden and Tori get a dance too." I laughed and pulled at the bow tie around his neck.

"As long as I get one."

"Always." He promised, kissing me softly.


"Papa, why do we have to sit here?" Aiden asked quietly. We were sat in one of the rows of chairs spread along the beach, waiting for the wedding to start.

"Because we're going to watch Uncle Joe get married." Connor said to him, pulling the little boy onto his lap.

"Why?" I saw Connor bite his lip in an attempt to not roll his eyes. Recently Aiden had started questioning everything we said or did and it was starting to get a little annoying.

"Well, daddy and I are married. And Uncle Joe wants to get married to Trina. So we're going to be nice and watch from here."

"Oh." Aiden turned to watch as other people began to arrive, finding seats and gradually filling up the rows. 

Joe was standing up the front with Caspar and Alfie as his groomsmen, the three of them talking quietly. Suddenly there was a commotion behind us and I turned to see Trina's mother rushing up the aisle towards Joe. She whispered something to him and his face went pale. They had a quick conversation and I caught Joe looking in my direction a few times.

"What's going on?" Niomi was sitting behind us and tapped my shoulder.

"Don't know. But it doesn't look too good. Look at Joe."

"You don't think Trina's run off do you?" I shook my head.

"No. But something's happened." I was busy talking and didn't notice that Joe had come over to Connor and I.

"Guys, Trina's nephew has started throwing up everywhere. They don't think he can be the ring-bearer. Do you think Aiden would be okay stepping in?" He begged. I looked at Connor who shrugged.

"You'd have to ask him. We're okay with it." Connor said. "Aiden, Uncle Joe needs your help." Aiden turned from watching the other people and grinned.

"Okay. What do I have to do?"

"I've got a very special job for you, buddy. You think you can come with me?"

"What about daddy and papa?"

"They'll be here watching. You're not going very far. Just over there, see?" He pointed to where he'd been standing a moment ago.

"Oh. Okay." Aiden jumped off Connor's lap and took Joe's hand following him to the altar. There, Caspar handed him the little pillow that held the wedding rings and said something to him that I couldn't make out. But Aiden's face lit up proudly and he took his spot beside Joe.

"That's adorable." Niomi said and I nodded.

"It is. I feel bad for Trina's nephew, though."

"Don't be too much. This can be Aiden's moment." I had to smile when Aiden turned to wave at Connor and I. We waved back and Connor squeezed my hand that wasn't holding onto Tori.


After that, the ceremony ran smoothly and we soon found ourselves heading to the venue where the reception was being held. Connor was still at the beach with Aiden since he was now part of the wedding party and was needed for photos but I accompanied everyone else to the reception.

"That was the most beautiful wedding I've seen." Zoe sighed, sitting beside me, Charlotte in her arms.

"It really was. Are you proud of your brother?"

"Very. I honestly wasn't sure this day would come for him. It took him a long time to even think about proposing to her."

"Hey guys." We looked up at Tyler's voice as he came over. "What're you talking about?"

"Not much. Just saying how proud Zoe is of Joe." I said.

"We all are." He held his arms out towards me. "Can I hold my niece again?"

"Sure. My arms are actually getting a little tired from holding her all afternoon." I gladly passed Tori over and he cradled her close.

"Hey beautiful girl. You're so cute. Yes you are." He cooed and I laughed.

 "You should have kids of your own, Ty. You're so good with them." Zoe commented.

"We've talked about it. But I'm not sure that Isaac's ready for it yet." Tyler replied, referring to his own husband of two years. "I think we're still kind of in the honey-moon phase."

"For two years?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't judge. You and Connor basically spent your whole relationship in a honey-moon phase until you got Aiden."

"He's right, Troye." Zoe agreed with Tyler and I stuck my tongue out at both of them.

"So sue us. We were having fun."

"When were we having fun?" Connor appeared behind me, Aiden in tow.

"Don't worry. These guys were just teasing me." I stood up to kiss his cheek. "How did it all go?"

"Good. Pretty much everyone's here now. It's just Joe and Trina still at the beach, getting some of their own photos done. They'll be here soon."

"Daddy, I was in lots of photos." Aiden announced.

"I know. I can't wait to see them."

"Papa said I looked very handsome."

"You do. I'm very proud of you, buddy." I bent to hug him and he threw his little arms around my neck. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes. Can we have dinner now?"

"In just a little bit, okay? We just have to wait for Uncle Joe and then we'll have dinner." Connor said and Aiden pouted. An idea popped into my head and I stood up, still holding Aiden so he was sitting on my hip.

"Ty, can you get a photo of us? I want one of the four of us all dressed up."

"Sure. Here, Connor, you take Tori." Tyler passed Tori to Connor who moved to stand by my side, one arm around my waist. "Okay, smile everyone."

"Cheese!" Aiden cried, making Zoe laugh. Tyler showed us the photo and I smiled.

"Perfect. It'll go well on our wall."

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