Connor X

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Aiden, Tori and I spent a week with Zoe and Alfie. I helped them out as much as I could, as thanks for putting up with three extra people in the house. Since I pretty much worked when they didn't, I looked after Charlotte and Tori and they dropped Aiden off at school. I hadn't heard from Troye at all, although Zoe had told me she'd told him to give me some space.

I was still trying to wrap my head around the idea that Troye had cheated on me. In all the years I'd known him, he'd never even looked at another guy, as far as I knew. He only had eyes for me, something he liked to tell me daily. But clearly he'd met someone in LA that caught his eye more than I did. 

That little thought ate away at me, slowly shattering the confidence I'd built up over the years. I felt like I was once again the shy, nervous boy I'd been when I first met Troye.

Does he even love me anymore?

Am I not good enough for him?

Do I not look right?

Thoughts like that were constantly on my mind, even while I was at work and my boss noticed it, calling me into his office after a few days.

"Have a seat, Connor." He said, gesturing to the empty chair opposite his desk. Nervously, I did as asked, chewing at my bottom lip. "Connor, I've noticed you've been a little off this week. Is everything okay at home?"

"Um...I haven't actually been home this week."

"Why not? You've got kids at home, don't you?"

"Actually, the kids and I are staying with a friend at the moment."

"Is it okay if I ask why?"

"Uh, Troye and I are, I guess, not really talking at the moment. I don't really want to go into details." I looked down at my lap, avoiding his eyes.

"Connor, you and Troye have to be the most in love couple I've ever seen. I know I don't see him much but I see the photos in your office. The way he looks at you, he really loves you. I don't know what's going on between you two, but surely you owe it to yourselves to try and sort it out?"

"This is why I love having you as my boss." I said, smiling for the first time since I'd left home. "You care about your workers."

"I just want a happy workplace." He laughed. "But seriously, Connor, try and talk to Troye. You'll feel better when you do. And your work will get better too."

"Sorry. I know I haven't been doing my best recently. I'll try harder, I promise."

"I know you will."


When I got back to Zoe and Alfie's that day, I found them sitting at the dining room table with Aiden, Zoe helping him with some homework while Alfie scrolled through something on his laptop.

"Hey, you're home early today." Zoe smiled when she saw me standing there.

"Yeah, I, uh, would you guys be okay watching Aiden and Tori for a bit longer? I think I'm going to go talk to Troye."

"Are you sure?" Zoe looked concerned and got up from the table.

"I don't know." I admitted and she led me out onto the balcony, pulling the door closed behind us.

"Con, this is big. I don't think you should talk to him yet if you're not 100% ready to."

"I know. I get it. But I've just been moping around all week. I got called into my boss' office today because I've been letting my work slip. I need to fix this between us. Or at least try to."

"You know that Alfie and I are more than happy to have you guys stay with us for as long as you need. I don't want you to rush into this." She sighed. "Connor, he cheated on you. That's not something you can forgive easily."

"Trust me, I know that. I'm not planning on forgiving him anytime soon. But Aiden's been asking me every night why we can't go home. And Tori's getting restless. I need to at least talk to him. Give him the chance to explain that I didn't when he told me."

"Okay, but be careful. I don't want you to get hurt any more than you already are."

"Zoe, you're the best. Honestly, there was a part of my brain, when I was coming here, that told me you guys would side with Troye since you've been friends with him the longest."

"Not when he does something like that. When he cheats on the guy who's been nothing but good to him, he doesn't deserve to have our support. And anyway, you're just as much our friend as he ever has been." I leaned over to hug her.

"You have no idea what that means to me."

"I think I have some idea. Now go before you lose your nerve. And remember, you can always call Alfie or I to pick you up if you feel like you can't drive after, yeah?"

"Thanks, Zo." I went back into the apartment to where Aiden had apparently given up on his homework and was colouring in his current favourite colouring book. Hi stood behind him, my hands on his shoulders. "Aiden, I'm going out for a little bit. You be good for Auntie Zoe and Uncle Alfie?"

"Where are you going, papa?"

"I'm going to talk to daddy."

"Can I come? I want to see daddy." He was eager to see Troye again but I didn't need him to be around for this conversation.

"Not today, buddy. Daddy and I need to have a grown-up talk before we go home properly."

"Oh. Okay." He looked dejected but turned back to his colouring. I kissed the top of his head and turned to pick up my keys again.

"Where's Tori?" I asked Alfie.

"She's with Charli in her room." Alfie said, not looking up from his laptop. I nodded and crossed the hallway to Charlotte's room, pushing the door open to find the two toddlers playing with model horses on the floor.

"Hey, Tori. Are you having fun with Charli?"

"Yeah. Papa, look." She pointed to a horse that, for reasons I didn't understand, was wearing a hat and high heels.

"Very cool." I praised both girls. "Tori, I'm going to talk to daddy, okay? Can you be good for Auntie Zoe and Uncle Alfie?"

"Yes papa." I smiled at her and ruffled her hair before heading out the door.

It wasn't long before I found myself driving down the all to familiar street where we lived. I could see our house in the distance and I had to pull over to compose myself before I could get to the house. 

I let myself in quietly, looking around the house. It was as if I'd never left. Everything was exactly as it had been when I left, down to the pile of toys that had fallen over in the playroom. At first, I couldn't see Troye anywhere so I began to search for him, starting in the kitchen. 

I was just about to venture to our bedroom when he appeared, looking more bedraggled than I'd ever seen him. He clearly hadn't shaved in the past week and his hair stuck out every which way. He'd changed out of the clothes he'd been wearing but it looked like he'd been in these clothes for a few days. When he saw me, he stopped short in surprise.


"I'm here to talk."

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