Troye XII

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My mom stayed with me the whole night, listening to everything I told her about what had happened. She didn't say anything but when she finally left, in the morning, I could see that she was disappointed in me. That only made me feel worse, knowing that my mom, the one person who was always on my side, no matter what, was disappointed in me.

I was once again moping around the house, trying to find a way to get through the day when someone knocked on the door. Frowning, I went to answer it only to find Zoe standing on the doorstep, arms crossed.

"Zoe? What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you, Troye. About Connor and what you did."

"I guess he told you everything, huh?" I asked, letting her in.

"Yeah. He's told us everything from the start to last night."

"Did he tell you about this?" I asked, pointing to my cheek where it was still bright red and purple bruises were starting to form.

"Yes. And I have to say, I think you deserved it. But that's not why I'm here."

"So why are you here?" She made her way to the island counter in the kitchen before answering me, sitting on one of the bar stools.

"Something Connor told us made me think I had to come and see you." I frowned. What had Connor said?


"He said that you told him it was a drunk guy you cheated on him with. That the guy took advantage of you."

"I did. Well, I did say that and that's what happened."

"Okay, Troye, I need you to tell me the whole story. Tell me exactly what happened. Because I think something's been missed between you and Connor."

"What do you mean?" She sighed.

"Just tell me what happened, okay? I can't say exactly why but I think there's a miscommunication going on here."

"Oh. Well, I was just relaxing at a bar while I waited for my plane. Minding my own business when this random guy started talking to me. He knew who I was and liked my music so I talked to him. Then he asked me if I wanted to dance with him. I figured it would be fine, I mean, it's just dancing."

"Right." Zoe rolled her eyes and, had it been any other circumstances, I would have told her off, but I wanted to find out if I still had a chance with Connor.

"So we danced for a bit and it was fine. We were keeping it PG and everything. He hadn't told me his name so I asked him and kind of teased me about it a little before he told me. And then, all of a sudden, he kissed me. I guess my mind was clouded with alcohol or something because I kissed him back for a second before I realised what he was doing and pushed him off. I told him I was happily married and he made some comment about that not being the truth because I'd said yes to dancing with him. I called him a jerk and told him to back off and I left the club. That's what happened."

"So it was just a kiss?"


"And you didn't initiate it?"

"No. God, I love Connor. I'd never do that to him."

"Okay. And how long was the kiss for? Like, how far did it go?"

"I don't know, a few seconds. And it was just a kiss, lips against lips. Why do you care about that?"

"Because, Troye from what you've told me, I think Connor either over reacted or hasn't heard the full story. If it was just a kiss that didn't last very long, didn't get too heated and wasn't initiated by you, I think Connor needs to hear that."

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