Birthday Princess

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"I really thought you had burned the kitchen down." Riley puffed her cheeks with a makeup brush as Anna fixed her hair. She pinned the front part of Riley's hair to the side, letting the rest of her waves tumble loosely down.

"Well I had to do something drastic, I didn't think Tommy would get you here on time."

Riley froze and debated whether or not to tell Anna about the "kiss".

"So what did he keep you busy with, besides getting that very large tattoo." She zipped up the back of Riley's dress, tattoo bandage free and in plain view. Anna shrieked when she first saw it and couldn't believe Riley would do something so unlike her, but she loved it none the less.

"Umm. Nothing. You called right after." Riley decided to spare her the details, opting to want to finally enjoy her party. As soon as she had said her quick hellos to everyone, Anna pulled her into the bathroom so she could change into her party dress.

"Boring! Okay. I think you're all set Birthday Girl!!!" Anna clapped up and down at her masterpiece. The girl who always wore sneakers or lace up boots was finally in a pair of black Mary Jane pumps and her jeans and leather jacket were replaced with a little black dress. "Are you sure you don't want the tiara?" She wiggled a plastic silver tiara that read "BIRTHDAY PRINCESS" in hot pink.

Riley crinkled her nose and shook her head. "I think the bow on the side of these shoes is good enough, thanks."

Tommy's ear was being talked off by Stephen, an obvious fan of his, who kept bringing up the video of him beating Mad Dog Grimes. He felt out of place and kept switching his weight from foot to foot, finally deciding to lean on the kitchen counter. Thankfully, Noah came over and introduced himself as Anna's boyfriend and they struck up a conversation about the girls.

A group of people near the bathroom started to whistle and shout with compliments, making the boys avert their attention in that direction. Riley bounced out of the bathroom on her tip toes, twirling around Anna's lifted arm. Tommy's mouth opened slightly as he saw Riley emerge from the crowd. She curtsied in front of him and smiled.

"You look beautiful Ri." He said in a low voice. His eyes stayed affixed on hers, remembering what had happened just a short hour ago. He wondered if she was thinking the same thing he was.

Riley blushed and looked at her feet. "They hurt already." She looked up at him with a pout.

Anna grabbed her from behind and hugged her. "Time to drink Riley Mae!" She grabbed a couple of glasses and poured her some tequila. Riley's liquid courage.

Tommy mouthed "Mae?" to Riley in curiosity.

"My grandmother's name." She started to shout as someone turned the music up. Anna gave her both glasses and smiled wide. The shots went down with a burn as Riley stuck her tongue out after each one.

Tommy laughed and handed her his beer as a chaser and watched as she killed a third of it.

"Ugh. So awful." She frowned at the taste of both alcohols together.

Anna passed her another shot, this time taking the other for herself. "Yes, but so fun!"

Somehow, a game of charades had erupted in the living room. Riley reached in the bowl and grabbed a tiny strip of paper. She let out a short laugh when she read the messy handwriting. She studied it for a second and raised four fingers in the air when she was ready to start.

"Four words." Anna and Stephen both shouted.

Riley held out her arm and cranked the other hand in a circle.

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