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Riley was exhausted. The shower was a success and she managed to avoid Valerie the majority of the day, but mostly, she was just glad that Anna had a great time.

The bill was paid, guests were gone and all of the gifts were stuffed into Anna's SUV. Now all that was left was to wait for valet to return with her truck.

She fiddled with the gold bangles that Anna had leant her. If there was one thing the woman knew, it was fashion.

If only she could paint...

Riley laughed to herself, thinking of the absurd piece of furniture that brought Anna and Henry together. She pulled her cream colored coat closer together as she felt a rush of cold February air.


Her thoughts were interrupted by an all too familiar voice. She turned to see Ryan standing behind her, hands in his pockets, smiling casually.

She groaned and turned away.

This can't be happening right now...

A sense of frustration came over her. All she wanted was to go home, or better yet, go and see Tommy.

"I was just here for a meeting with a client." He stood next to her now, taking in her sweet smell of lavender.

"I didn't ask." She stared forward, wondering what the hell was taking the valet so damn long.

"You look beautiful, Riley." He didn't take his eyes off of her.

"Stop." She tensed. She had half a mind to start yelling obscenities at him but she was in public and was frankly too tired. Finally, after what seemed like a million years, the valet pulled up with her pick-up.

"Thank you." She smiled politely at the young valet attendant and reached in her clutch for tip money, her nerves making her fumble a bit.

"Here, allow me." Ryan pulled out a five dollar bill and passed it to the valet.

"On no! No! Give me that." Without hesitation, Riley grabbed the money out of the valets hand and gave him a five from her clutch.

The young man looked slightly confused but shrugged and walked back into the hotel lobby.

Riley glared at Ryan. "You don't get to do that anymore." She crumpled up the money and threw it back at him. Storming off, she heard him call after her.

"Wait, please!"

She shook her head and rounded the front of her truck. He caught up with her and put his hand on the door handle.

"Can I at least open the door for you?" The wind blew his scent of expensive French cologne her way, flooding her senses. The smell churned her stomach.

"I'd rather you jump in front of a train." She smacked his arm away and hopped into her truck. He caught the door before she could close it.

"Please give Tommy my regards." His voice was slick and made her blood curl. He slammed the door shut and gave her a wicked smile before leaving.

"Ugh!" She gripped the steering wheel and lowered her head. When was this going to end, she thought. She grabbed her phone out of her clutch and it rang at her touch, startling her. It was the shop.

"Riley, sorry to bother you but Mrs. Farris is here for her custom piece and she isn't too happy." Stephen sounded exasperated.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she told Stephen that she was on her way.

Tommy leaned against the doorway, watching Riley as she painted. She sat on the ground, crisscrossed in her blue dress, painting filigrees on the bottom dresser drawer. Her headphones were in her ears and she hummed along to the music.

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