You guys are amazing.

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Like truly, wonderfully, amazing. And I want to just say that I haven't abandoned Riley and Tommy! I've just been busy with the book that has basically changed my life. If you haven't read Backwards, I don't know what you're waiting for, I mean really. It's basically Fighting For Her on steroids, and while I can't exactly use Tom Hardy as Nate - it's still basically fucking Tom Hardy... so... yeah.

Anywhooo - If you want to check that amazing book out - you can read the first five chapters here...

*** UPDATE ***
Purchase BACKWARDS on Amazon today!

And if you want updates on my book, fun stuff, extras, money (just kidding) then like my FB page here...

NOW that that's all done and said and if you're actually still reading this then I love you and I will be updating Fighting For Her in a few days so YAY.

So thank you for being amazing and reading what comes out of my mind...

Thank you thank you thank you...

- Khandis

Fighting For Her - A 'Warrior' FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now