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Riley was by no means frightened, just furious. Her face tightened as she stared at Ryan standing in the doorway. She squeezed her hands into fists just thinking about him being there. Jack eyed his sister, noticing her tension.

"Why are you here?" She nearly spat the words out, looking at him in disgust. His perfectly pleated khaki pants and cashmere sweater made her wonder what she saw in him to begin with.

"Riley," her mother chimed in, "I took the liberty to call him myself last night. You can't throw away a five year relationship just like that." She snapped her fingers in the air and smiled.

"Mom..." Riley treaded cautiously, not wanting to cause an uproar in front of her entire family. She took a deep breath and continued. "It really isn't any of your business."

"Well Ryan already explained what happened." She spoke matter-of-factly.

Riley stared at Ryan in disbelief. "You did?" She raised an eyebrow and watched him cautiously.

What is he playing at? She thought.

"Now come into the living room so we can talk about it together." Her mother linked an elbow with Ryan and ushered him into the lavish room.

"Are you okay?" Jack spoke low, putting a supportive hand on his sister's back.

She rubbed her forehead in frustration and nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm fine." She walked into the room and sat on the plush white sofa, making sure she took the farthest seat from Ryan.

"Elizabeth, maybe you should just drop this." Riley's father spoke from the hallway.

"Oh hush, Henry." She shooed him away with a flick of her wrist.

Jack stood behind Riley, keeping his eyes on Ryan.

"Well?" Riley spoke first, wanting it to be over. She had no idea what her mom was going to say, especially after Ryan supposedly told her what happened between them.

"Riley-" Ryan started, but Riley quickly interrupted him.

"No. You don't get to speak." She pointed a shaky finger at him. He slouched back in his seat and let out a loud breath.

"Riley. Stop being so rude. Is that something you learned from that boy?" Her mother's face grew stern.

"What boy?" Riley slid to the edge of her seat, placing her palms on her knees.

"That boxer boy who you cheated on Ryan with?" Her mother raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow.

Riley was speechless. Ryan lied to her mother. Of course he did.

"Riley, we all go through rough patches in life. I'm worried that you might be taking this a little too far." Her mother twisted her pearl necklace around her fingers.

"Taking what too far?!" Riley tried to keep her composure. She gripped the edge of the cushion for some sort of relief.

"This silly affair of yours." Her mother scoffed at the thought.

"I'm not having an affair because I don't have a boyfriend!" Riley stood up and shouted at her mother. Her temper was flaring and it didn't look like it was going down any time soon.

"Riley Mae. Sit down and talk about this like an adult." Her mother didn't raise her voice, she merely spoke with strong intent.

Riley laughed out of frustration. She couldn't believe what was happening.

"Mom, maybe they need to work this out on their own." Jack spoke up and walked over to his mother. "Let's give them some privacy."

"Don't bother." Riley stormed out of the living room and ran up to her bedroom. She stuffed her bag with the items she had taken out the day before. She grabbed her phone to call Tommy but it was snatched quickly out of her hand and thrown onto the floor. She whipped her head around and came face to face with Ryan.

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