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Hamza stared angrily at his father before speaking.

"Abi how can you even suggest such a thing?How can you even think that I will take another wife?"

His chest was heaving up and down,his fist clenching and unclenching because of the fury he was feeling.His father just looked at him before standing up.

"You will have to get married again Hamza.This tribe needs a heir."

"Make one of my other brothers children the heir but don't ever talk about me getting married again nor talk any ill about Aamanah."

Yes he had a wife who he loved very much.They had married under very bad circumstances but they had soon learned to understand,respect and love one another.They had been living perfectly until Allah decided to put them through a very harsh test.

After numerous attempts of having a child and failing they had been to a doctor. The doctor had very bad news for them, Aameera would unfortunately not be able to have kids.

They had been devastated but when they had told the tribe Hamza had felt angry and his dear wife had broken down.The tribe had and still taunted her.He hated it.He hated that he couldn't protect her from the tribe's taunts,he hated that he couldn't protect her from their disgusted looks and he hated that he couldn't stop them from looking down on her.

Right now his father was trying to convince him to take another wife but Hamza couldn't say yes.He couldn't betray Aamanah.

"Let us go to her fathers tribe then we will decide.If he also says that you should take another wife then you will."

Hamza gave his father a disgusted look before speaking.

"Never will I take another wife."

Saying that he walked out of the tent,his steps powerful and his face red with anger.He ignored everyone and walked to his and his wife's tent.

The minute he entered his chest contracted painfully when he heard her sobs and his mother trying to comfort her.

He entered the sleeping area and found his wife laying her head on his mothers lap,face buried in her stomach as she cried.

"Calm down Ibnati.Wallah your tears are breaking my heart."

"Ummi who said something to my wife?"

Aamanah's body stopped shaking and his mother looked at him.

"I will not ask again.Who was it this time?"

Ummi Hamza looked at her eldest son and spoke.

"Tahseen and Zubaida."

His face went redder and he turned to go and deal with those mischief mongers when Aameera spoke.

"How many mouths will you close Hamza?How many will you threaten?Wallah none of them will stop.Stop defending me.You will only stand to lose everything.Just stop it."

He turned to look at her but she was sitting with her back to him.

"I would kill them all if it was in my hands.I don't care about myself but no one should even dare look you in the eye.I will defend you to my grave if I have to.You are my wife not some prostitute on the street side. "

While he had been speaking his mother left knowing it was not her place to listen to her son and his wife.

"Hamza take a second wife.Then at least you will be spared from these taunts."

When she said this he stalked to her and turned her to face him.Her eyes were closed and her head lowered,tears wet her eyelashes and the trail of other tears marked her cheek.

He grabbed her chin in his hand and forced her head up but she didn't open her eyes.

"Look me in my eyes and say that I must take another wife.Say that you will be able to handle the thought of me touching another woman and that you will not hurt knowing mother woman would touch me."

She opened her eyes and tears streamed down her face.

"I don't want you take another wife.It will hurt me knowing another woman will touch what is supposed to be only mine but your reputation matters more to me then anything else.I won't be able to live hearing people taunt you that you are the husband of a barren woman."

He let go of her chin and lowered his head until his forehead rested on hers.They both closed their eyes and stayed like that.

"Abi said that we are going to your tribe to decide what should be done."

"If you so take another wife...."

His eyes snapped open and he looked into her eyes.

"Which will never happen!"

Aamanah ignored the fact that Hamza had interrupted her.

"Take one from my tribe then I would know that I won't be in danger of losing you much as if you married a woman from this tribe or another stranger tribe.Promise me."

"I'm not getting married again so I won't promise."

"Just promise me,please."

Her eyes pleaded with his and he couldn't say no.

"I promise."

"Say kassam wallah that you will."

"Kassam wallah if I do happen to remarry I will marry a woman from your maternal home."

"Jazakallah habib."

Saying that Aamanah kissed his lips lightly.

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