Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Hamza wake up." Aamanah called out tapping Hamza's shoulder but she got no reaction out of him,now she was getting mad,"Hamza wake up." She called out again this time shaking him until his eyes fluttered open.

"Wha..what's wrong?" He said in a dazed state as he sat up,rubbing the tiredness from his eyes.

"I want bubblegum ice cream." She said with a pout and Hamza looked at her absolutely out of it.

"What?" Aamanah rolled her eyes and moved closer to him,holding his face in her hands and repeated herself slowly this time,"I.Want.Bubblegum.Ice.Cream." Hamza looked at the time and then back at Aamanah wondering if this was the time to be asking for bubblegum ice cream.

"Aamanah it is 2 in the morning.There should be ice cream in the freezer." Aamanah rolled her eyes again and smacked his arm,"Ouch!What was that for?"

"I ate all yesterday so obviously there isn't any left plus it's not only me that wants bubblegum ice cream it is your child's demand!So get me ice cream!" Hamza looked around confused as hell but nodded his head.

"Okay fine.I will try to find a 24 hour convenience stroe and buy..."

"No,I want bubblegum ice cream from Ash's." Aamanah's face scrunched up in disgust at the name of convenience store ice cream.That was just disgusting.

Hamza would have argued but he realized that it was his wife's cravings that he had to take care of,"Okay fine.Let me see what I can do."

Aamanah smiled widely as she reached forward to place a kiss on his cheek barely missing his lips,"I love you so much.Now get going." Hamza rolled his eyes this time and got out of bed debating whether he should phone Yaseen who handled the place and was a good friend of his to see if it was by any chance one of those nights where they were open until late or just tell one of the security details he had hired to watch over Nazmeera to drive over and get it for him from Yaseen.

That's when something hit him.Nazmeera.If he was not wrong when they had gone for supper the first night they got back to Nazmeera's apartment she had had an extreme large tub of bubblegum ice cream.Maybe he just had to go a floor down to get Aamanah her ice cream.As not to disturb Nazmeera he grabbed his own set of keys for Nazmeera's apartment and made his way there.Hamza thought better of it to just walk in and risk get hitten by Nazmeera but if she did not answer he would risk it.He rang the bell twice and as he lifted his hand to ring the bell a third time the door opened to reveal a sleepy Nazmeera.

"Hamza what are you doing here so late?" Nazmeera asked in a sleepy voice as she leaned against the door frame and Hamza looked her up and down to make shukar to Allah that even in her sleepy state she wore her hijab and a kaftan.

"Sorry to disturb you but Aamanah wants bubblegum ice cream and we out of it so I thought I'd come see if you have some by you." Nazmeera nodded and then yawned walking inside so Hamza followed her and was surprised to see the always neat freak Nazmeera's lounge buried under pages.So she was a workaholic and judging by the dim lights on she had been working until late.

"Here it is." Hamza looked at her only to take the tub from her with a soft jazakallah.He stood watching her and smiled slightly when her eyes closed slightly.

"Do you mind showing yourself out Hamza 'cause I want to sleep and I don't think I'll make it to the door." Hamza nodded but he put the bubblegum ice cream tub on the counter top and picked Nazmeera up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" Nazmeera was kind of knocked out of her sleepy state when she felt Hamza's skin brush against her own skin or what was revealed of her skin.

"You look like you going to collapse so I'm taking you to your room so you can sleep." He looked down only to find Nazmeera asleep and he shook his head.She was probably out of it way before he came but her stubbornness probably pushed to do much more then she could handle.He laid her down and covered her with a blanket before laying a soft kiss on her forehead.

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