Chapter Forty-One

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Hamza pounded furiously on the door and it swung open to reveal Abi Sufyaan who narrowed his eyes at the man in front of him.


"Abi Sufyaan how dare did you hurt my wife!Have you lost your manliness that you were unable to bare your defeat?Wallahi you have made my blood boil and my wife cry,you will suffer."

Abi Sufyaan stepped forward,his jaw and his fists clenched,"What I did was right!She took my daughter and my honour in my tribe."

Hamza laughed humorlessly,"Honour?You are talking about honour Abi Sufyaan?Pardon me but you lost your honour years ago when you threw a child of 4 years old away .You will suffer Abi Sufyaan you have made a woman cry,you will suffer.In that suffering I make dua that your last glass of water comes from the same child who you refused to accept and for the first time your duas will grace her head." Saying that he turned around and he did not see the tears that filled the man's eyes nor the tears that dripped down his face.

Aamanah sat on the chaise on the balcony and sipped her chai.It might have seemed as if she was lost in the view but more then that she was lost in her thoughts.Her hand unconsciously caressed her tummy which had quite much and she was showing already.At first Aamanah thought it was fishy cause she had read that a woman only shows in the middle of her fourth month she was still at the beginning but then she thought to herself that everyone's body is different.She thought of what had happened with Nazmeera and how Nazmeera had closed herself off.Nothing they said or did could get her to talk in fact she refused to even see Hamza at the office.

Aamanah took a deep breath she knew she needed to do something for Nazmeera and begun thinking up a plan.

Hamza entered the apartment and his gaze fell on Aamanah who was sitting on the balcony.He walked towards her and Aamanah seeing the shadow fall on her looked up,smiling at Hamza.

"Hi." She put her cup on the side table and Hamza picked her up before laying down and putting Aamanah next to him.His one arm wrapped around her and the other caressing her tummy.

"Hi." Aamanah rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him.

"You spoke to Abi Sufyaan?" Hamza nodded and he looked down at Aamanah with a troubled expression.

"How does a man hate his own blood so much that he refused to do any good for them?What did Nazmeera ever do to him?"

Aamanah wrapped her arm around his waist and layed her head back,"I honestly don't know hey.His always hated her from day one and that hate never seemed to cease.It's like he finds new reasons to hate her and hurt her." Hamza shook his head.

"It's unbelievable how some people's mentality is." Hamza looked down at Aamanah and smiled,"I'm glad Nazmeera has you to turn to."

Aamanah smiled back,"I just hope she'll open up."

Hamza kissed the top of her head,"In Sha Allah she will." He went silent and then thought of something,"Do you want to discuss baby names?"

Aamanah nodded her head excitedly almost knocking Hamza's chin as she sat up.

"If its a boy his name will be Muhammed or Abbas or Umar or Ali or Uthmaan or Abu Bakr." Hamza looked at her with an amused smile.

"All the khalifah's and the Prophet (SAW) uncles name and the Prophet's (SAW) name.How are we going to choose?" Aamanah shrugged,"I don't know but those are my top choices for boys names."

"What about girls' names?" Aamanah gave him a small smile almost embarrassed.

"Would it be bad if I told you I've only looked at boy's names and not girls' names?" Hamza shook his head and held her hands.

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