Chapter Six

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Aamanah sat with her back to the headboard and closed her eyes,a small smile on her lips as she realised that it was Hamza's turn to spend the night with her.

Lost in her own thoughts,Aamanah did not hear Hamza enter the tent but she felt a gaze on her and she opened her eyes,only to smile at her husband who walked closer to the bed.Hamza removed his shoes and got onto the bed,only to lay his head in her lap.

Aamanah let her fingers run through his hair and he let out a sigh,closing his eyes.

"You missed me so much?"

Hamza hummed in reply and brought her hand to his lips,leaving a small kisses on her knuckles.

Aamanah and Hamza sat in a comfortable silence.No words could express what they felt and the silence said it all.How much they missed one another in the time that Hamza was with Nazmeera was said in all the small touches that happened every few minutes.These touches were more valuable and intimate to them,these touches explained their unsaid emotions.

Finally Hamza sat up and Aamanah gazed at him curiously,he smiled mischievously before reaching for her sides and Aamanh quickly got off the bed with a squeak when she realized what he was about to do.


She moved to the other side of the room and Hamza got off the bed,following her.For every step she took away from him,he took one step closer to her.

Aamanh's random small burst of giggles as Hamza chased her around the room sent his heart beating faster and faster.

"Manah,you know if I catch you it will only be worst?So stop running and just give up." He said chuckling in a husky voice and Aamanh shook her head as she threw one of the sitting place cushions at him and he caught it,throwing it back at her.Aamanah dodged and threw another one at him only for Hamza to move faster and catch her.Hamza turned her around,her back to his chest and his fingers probing gently at her sides.


"No." His laughter made Aamanah try and break out of his hold but then he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and laid his forehead on her shoulder,as Aamanah got off her laughing high.

Aamanah leaned back into his embrace and reached back to tug gently at his hair.Even so many years after their marriage,she still loved the feeling of running her fingers through his soft,silky hair and she loved the small sighs that came out of his mouth when she tugged at it.

"Did something happen,love?" Aamanah felt Hamza shake his head and slowly turn her around,she lifted her head so that she could look into his eyes and gasped at the intensity of the emotions that darkened his grey eyes.

"I just missed you so much.Wallahi you will not understand the turmoil that overtakes my heart every night I have had to sleep without wrapping my arms around you,without waking up to your beautiful voice and without being able to tell you that I love you.The brief meetings that we have had done nothing to soothe the turmoil in my heart,they only made it rise higher.I do not know if I will be able to do this for my entire life.I could only think about the hurt that you felt and how you managed all alone without me by your side."

Hamza's voice was heavy with emotion and it brought tears to Aamanah's eyes,ones that she refused to shed.Blinking the tears away she led Hamza to the bed but Hamza stopped her and took her to the sitting area which was on the floor.He sat down criss-cross and Aamanah settled in his lap.

"I missed you too habibi but my heart was soothed knowing that your heart is by me and Nazmeera would be a guard to it until the day you give her half of it.Habibi,the only way I was able to sleep at night was with the reassurance that you were not being turned against me by the woman you married and that our brief meetings happened due to her because she did not care of the rules that Abi Hamza laid out that we were not to meet until a week is over.Habibi,it is difficult upon both of us and no it is not easy being away nor am I use to sharing you.But Hamza you have to accept the fact that you belong to another woman along with me.It will take both of us time but we will do it."

Hamza kissed Aamanah's forehead lightly and leaned back,"Nazmeera is my wife,that is a fact that I have accepted but I do not think I can touch her intimately."

Aamanah shook her head,"You will be able to touch her intimately,right now you see her as a friend.Once your relationship begins getting to the next level you will find it in you to touch her in a way that only you are allowed to."

Hamza nodded his had and leaned back,Aamanah following him until she was laying on top of him and their legs were intertwined.Aamanah smiled when she laid her head on top of his heart and heard it beating.



"Did you know about Nazmeera having nightmares?" Aamanah let out a sigh and nodded her head.

"Yes I did know but Nazmeera never told me about it.A few times when I slept in her tent she used to wake up from her nightmares thinking I was still asleep but I was awake.I wanted to help her so many times but then I realised that she never wanted anyone to see her in such a state so I never mentioned it.Did she have one?"

"Yes she did.I tried helping her after that but she blocked me out until she thought I was about to leave.From then she's blocked me off,answering in one word or not even acknowledging me.I do not know what to do."

"Just give her time,she needs to accept the fact that you saw her in a state that she terms as weak and that you do not look at her differently.Then only will she open up to you."

"You have become wise dearest wife,since when?" Hamza chuckled when Aamanah playfully hit his chest.

"That is very mean of you dearest husband but I will still answer it.I became wise since you stopped using your common sense."

"I never lost my common sense,trust me."
While he spoke Aamanah trailed her fingers up and down Hamza's chest which made Hamza grab her chin and give her a heated look,under which Aamanah shivered with delight.

He captured her lips in a heated kiss and stood up along with Aamanah.He carried her bridal style to the bed and laid her down.

At the end of the night,the husband and wife laid in one another's embrace,the winds outside signalling the start of something new and good.

While Aamanah and Hamza laid in one another's embrace,in a tent not far from theirs.Nazmeera sat on a prayer mat,hands raised in dua and a supplication was raised to the heavens,one that with the will of Allah was accepted and which the angels said ameen to.

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