Chapter Thirty-Three

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Hamza entered the apartment and slammed the door close causing Aamanah to almost jump out of her skin in fright.She turned to look at Hamza who had an extremely annoyed almost angry look on his face and she stood up to greet him and find out what put him in such a sour mood.

"As salaam mu alaykum habib.What's got your panties twisted?" Aamanah's smile turned upside down when she saw that Hamza did not even smile at her words nor even glance at her but rather just throw his briefcase on the floor.She walked up to him and put her hands on his shoulders giving him a questioning look.

"Hamza what's wrong?"

"Ihsan is wrong." Aamanah gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean?" Hamza looked above her head and his lips sat in a thin line.

"Ihsan as in Nazmeera's best friend is here and that's not all of it.He came to the office to meet her and then afterwards just when I finished having coffee with Nazmeera he came back!Why?He wouln't say in front of me and the cherry on top Nazmeera told me to leave!How could she want to talk with that imbecile all alone is out of my understanding....why are you smiling Aamanah?This isn't funny!" While Hamza had spoken Aamanah had begun to smile and this was irking Hamza now,"Aamanah why are you smiling?"

Aamanah looped her arms around Hamza's neck,giving him a dazzling almost mocking smile,"You my love are jealous of Ihsaan and Nazmeera's friendship but let me tell you their friendship is just like mine and Umar's.Remember how you got jealous in the same way?"

Hamza nodded,"Yeah but that was different.He was your foster brother here the case is different.I mean she asked me to leave.Who does that!"

Aamanah took a deep breath,titling her head,"Did you bother asking Nazmeera what he wanted to talk about with her in private?" Hamza shook his head,"Then maybe you should ask her perhaps it was about something personal."

Hamza sighed and wrapped his arms around Aamanah's waist giving her a kiss on her lips and then pulling away,"You are right my wise wifey."

Aamanah's face scrunched up when he called her wise,"Nazmeera is the wise one,I'm the mischievously innocent and non-wise one.Now go change and we'll go to Nazmeera's apartment." Hamza nodded before placing another kiss on her lips this time more passionately and Aamanah responded by wiggling out of his grasp,pointing her finger at him once she was a few feet away from him.

"Don't even think about it,go now." Hamza smiled mischievously but obeying her he walked towards the room and Aamanah made her way to the kitchen to retrieve the bowl of chocolate mousse she had made after Nazmeera had messaged her about the supper with Ihsaan.Aamanah would have to warn Nazmeera about how Hamza was feeling right now and that she should explain to him what Ihsaan had spoken to her about.

Ten minutes later they were in the lift on the way to Nazmeera's floor and when they stepped out of the lift towards Nazmeera's apartment they heard a man laughing and Hamza frowned.The door was left slightly open but as Hamza was about to step in Aamanah held his hand,making him look at her and she gave him a warning glance.

"Don't do anything that you would regret afterwards." Hamza nodded her head and they stepped into the apartment only to find Nazmeera sitting on the couch while Ihsaan sat on the floor in front of her.Nazmeera and Ihsaan got up to greet them and Aamanah pulled her in for a hug,whispering into her ear.

"Hamza was jealous afterwards you need to talk to him." When she pulled back Nazmeera nodded at her and they all sat down when Nazmeera reached for the remote.

"Nazy put on the Liverpool game that's on tonight." Hamza said and Nazmeera nodded switching on the TV and changing the channel to the soccer channel when Aamanah coughed out loudly,"Losers."

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