Chapter One

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"Ummi I'll wait for Nazmeera here."

Umme Jameel looked at her daughter,grief surrounded her heart.She didn't know how to comfort Aamanah,she didn't know what words to say to comfort her child's restless,saddened heart.

"Okay.I'm sure she'll be back soon."

"Now that I am here she will."

Umme Jameel kissed her daughter's forehead and exited the tent.

Aamanah sighed and looked around Nazmeera's tent and a smile for the first time in weeks grazed her face.Nazmeera's tent was spotless,not even a pillow out of place.Aamanah remembered when she and Nazmeera used to share a tent how they would fight about the room being dirty.



Aamanah came out of the washroom only to face her red faced cousin,who had her hands on her hips and her eyes were narrowed.

"Who killed your vibe that you screaming for me like that Nazme?"

"No one has the audacity to kill my vibe but I'm going to kill you!Why in the name of all creation is this room so dirty that even a thrash can would seem cleaner?"

Aamanah looked around the room only to realize that in her quest to find her favourite sweater and scarf she had thrown her clothes all over the place.She had left the books that she had been studying from all over the bed that she shared with Nazmeera.While looking for her pink pumps,she had by mistake emptied out her entire shoe closet and didn't remember to pack it back.There were pens on the floor which made her question herself as to how had it reached the floor.

"Aamanah hello back to earth!"

Aamanah gave Nazmeera a small smile which Nazmeera replied to with a pointed look.

"I spaced out?"

Nazmeera rolled her eyes then spoke.

"No shit sherlock."

"Nazmeera watch your language!"

"Says you?The swearing queen!"

"Oh come on.I'm not that...........ouch f^^king hell."

Aamanah hadn't watched where she was walking and she hit her foot on the cabinet which caused her to use language that would make a sailor blush,which caused Nazmeera to smile in victory and wiggle her eyebrows.

"Don't give me that look.Anyone in my place would also swear."

"Nope actually I would say Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Illahi Rajioon.Now let's come back to the matter at hand.Now who's going to clean this mess up?"

Aamanah looked up from rubbing her toe and gave Nazmeera an innocent smile.

"I'll clean it later."

Nazmeera shook her head before smiling.

"You a lost case,you know that right?"

"Yes I do and I know you love me way too much."

"Duh cause you my baby sister."


Aamanah smiled at that memory and then she started thinking about Nazmeera.

Nazmeera was one of the most beautiful woman in the tribe despite being a bit big chubby and big boned.She was 5 foot 2 inches tall only two more inches taller then Aamanah.The two of them had a year difference between them.Nazmeera had a hectic past which was the reason why Nazmeera lived with Aamanah and her tribe despite this being Nazmeera's mothers tribe.

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