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"Don't panic, okay?" Reese grabs me by my shoulders and shakes me out of my frozen stupor.


"I've got a plan, you're not going to like it, at all," He says pulling out his own knife and making for the door.

"What in the hell are you doing?! Are you fucking psychotic?! We can't go out there!" I Scream, putting myself between him and the door. We are not fighting however many are there, we'll be annihilated and I'm not ready to die yet anyway.

"Lively, do you trust me?" He looks into my eyes, and I know that I do, he's saved me before. He's brilliant in action, but it's not him I don't trust. It's me. I nod anyway. "Everything's going to be alright."

I move to the side and pull out my own knife, not exactly sure what I'm about to walk into, I really don't know what to brace myself for and then I watch it all take place and I'm a little relieved.

Reese cracks the door, enough to allow the first zombie's head to poke through and then he stabs it, "Alright Liv, this is where I need you. Can you grab the arms and pull it through while I keep the door as closed as I can?"

I look at him, panicked. What is he thinking?! I nod because he's got something up his sleeve and I do need to pull my weight if we're going to get out of here alive. So I grab the crusty arms and pull as hard as I can.

Which, as it turns out, I didn't need to do. The unnecessary strength sends me and the body flying back and I land on my ass with a loud smack. The air wafting this mangled thing's stench into my nostrils, I have to fight the need to purge my stomach that comes with it.

"Oh God, this thing stinks." I fling it off of me and jump up to help Reese when I realize he can't get the door closed without me.

Reese stabs another and quickly pushes the door closed, "Yeah, well, here in a minute you're going to stink too."

"What are you talking about? I already smell! It got some of its juices on me when we fell. I'm definitely going to need a shower when we get out of here."

He laughs, "Yes, yes you are Princess because of that thing over there? We're cutting open and wearing."

My jaw hits the floor. He isn't serious. He's just fucking with me, here in a minute he's going to tell me what the plan is. When that minute doesn't come, "You're kidding. Please, tell me you're kidding!"

"Sadly not Liv, that's the only way out that I can think of. Don't worry, I know it works for a fact. I've done it before."

He's already on his way to the body, he rolls it over and stabs its stomach, which makes the room immediately stink. My stomach lurches and I gag.

"Look, I get it. It's fucking nasty but you said you were willing to trust me and Princess, this is it." He says hurriedly applying muck all over him.

"We can't, like, go through the ceiling? Some secret agent type shit? No?" I ask, practically pleading with my eyes not to cover me in the putrid gunk.

"Look up Liv, It's contained, it's a lab. It was meant for no one to get into, now get over here and get stinky." He finishes it by smearing it on his face and I immediately want to die.

"Nope, nevermind. I'll take my chances and just pray that I die a fast death."

"Quit being a baby Liv."

He gets up, a hand full of whatever body fluids made that, and comes toward me.

"I hate you," I say moments later covered head to toe in it.

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