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Shortly after that day in the lunchroom, things started looking up. If I could go back to then, I'd have known that that was the calming before the storm but I can't. We can only move forward and take what we've learned and it use it to never do it again.

Reese was improving, a lot. Not as fast as Nathan but he was getting better, there were some things he didn't like but it was part of the treatment process for him.

"You never had to do any of this shit with Nathan," He coughs, still shivering from his fever.

"That's because Nathan's blood type is completely different from yours and you're not handling the virus like he did. I have to do this, or you're going to lose that arm. Got it?"

"Nathan this, Nathan that eh, eh, eh," He retorts in a mocking voice but otherwise sits up as instructed, "it's like he's some fucking golden boy. Lively's precious first survivor, always better than me."

I peel back the gauze and examine the bite wound. It's nasty, it's not anyone's fault but it had started getting necrotic before we gave him the transfusions and it was starting to get worse. He winces when I start to clean it, "Reese, has anyone ever told you that you're absolutely horrible when you're sick?"

He glares at me but otherwise doesn't speak. This is our new relationship now. If I'm not giving him anything of value in terms of information, he chooses to ignore me. I can't play around with him anymore, not like we used to, he doesn't accept any type of friendship I have to offer. I can't say that I blame him but it doesn't hurt any less knowing.

Finally, he does speak, "Yeah, Golden Boy has that up on me too. Picture perfect fucking guy ain't he? I mean, he even flirts and finger fucks when he's sick! He couldn't have been feeling as shitty as I have. There's no way--ouch hey, watch the living the tissue Liv!"

I don't apologize. I usually do but he's pissed me off bringing that up when he had no right to do it. I get that he's sick and that I'm the last person in the world he wants to be around but he doesn't have a choice. I'm the only one.

I'm about to give him an earful when my dad walks in--with Nate and I hear Reese groan with disgust. "Great," he mutters under his breath.

"Lively Marie is there any particular reason that you've gone against protocol and performed life-saving techniques on Reese who --no offense--should be dead by now for all intents and purposes?"

Well, shit. I'm in trouble now, I'm kind of impressed, though, thought it would take the old man much longer to find out.

"Because 'protocol' is a bunch of bullshit and you know it dad. I've sat by and let you run your experiment but it's getting nowhere. You aren't closer to mass killing the zombies than you were five years ago. Let it go dad. I've literally saved two people. Two. That's more than we have been able to do since it started. "

My dad's eyes go wide and he doesn't say anything, probably too shocked that I've flipped out but I don't care, I refuse to apologize knowing I did the right the thing. If he came here to talk, I'll gladly talk and I'll show him why I feel like what I'm doing is a better idea, but if he's come to fight...I won't lose.

What he does next, surprises me.

He nods. No words, no anger. He simply nods at me and leaves.

Relieved I go to turn and get back to removing the necrosis on Reese's arm when I feel Nate's touch. It's small, just a whisper on my finger tip, and then it leaves and Nate goes with it. I force myself not to smile but I know that he was there for support and he's giving me the 'atta girl' touch.

It doesn't stop Reese from taking notice, "Guess it's my turn to start calling someone Lover Boy, huh? When were you going to tell me Liv? Were you going to tell me?"

"Reese not now, I don't want to talk about it. This isn't-"

"Right now is the fucking time!! We're not going anywhere, or at least I'm not, you owe an explanation. You owe me that much! What what I to you? Just game, well I'll be sure to give Nate the heads up so he won't be so damn gutted when you walk away and fuck someone else."

There's a loud smacking sound and then neither of us speak. What was it? And then I know when the handprint forms on his cheek. I've smacked him.

I've smacked him for being such an ass to me.

He looks down, not wanting to talk or maybe he's upset he said what he did too but either way he doesn't say anything further.

I do the talking, I'm so fuming mad at him. He's just talked to me like I'm the biggest slut on the planet.

"Don't you ever say anything like that to me again. I'm with Nate, yeah, because we ended it Reese. We were done, you pretty much said all you needed to say when it happened. You don't get to dictate whom I spend my time with now. You don't. You won't and I won't sit here and allow you to disrespect me like that! You don't know anything, anything at all that's happened and for you to say--" I say my head, I'm in tears--angry tears. I'm ready to kill Reese myself for the things he's said over his recovery and this isn't the first time he's said something like this but now he knows for sure that I'm with Nathan so it's worse.

I sit there, collecting myself and when I'm confident enough I try to go back to cleaning his arm but he jerks it away. Several times. He wants nothing to do with me right now.

"Fine. Be that way. Your arm will fall off or you'll get gangrene and die but either way, I just don't give a shit anymore Reese. I've done nothing but try to be your friend and you've done everything you can to push me away. You've done it. You won."

I slip my gloves off, wash my hands and leave him to his own devices.

When I slip out of the lab I see Dean and Lou coming my way so I greet them and Lou immediately notices that something's off, "What's wrong Liv?"

"It's nothing. Reese is just being stubborn today. I'm sure by tomorrow he's going to at least let me clean his bite but it's not happening today."

"What? Why? He's so dense," she huffs out, "I'm gonna go visit him. Is that okay Dee?"

Dean nods, "He'll probably be happy to see you, Lou, just don't bother him with a ton of questions. I'm sure he's not ready to talk about it."

Louise rolls her eyes and skips into the lab. Maybe she can him to chill out for me.

"You know I'm not thirteen, so my heart isn't going to break if you tell me," Dean says leading me to the lunchroom.

I laugh, "Dean, that may be true but it isn't that simple."

"Oh, we've got time. Let's smuggle a twinkie and you can tell your best friend all about what's going on."

"Don't say I didn't warn you," I say already super stoked about the twinkie. Sometimes it's nice to have a best friend again.

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