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It took a folded up piece of paper with scribbled writing to unroll everything.

Nathan and I had found it walking back to the underground lab, it was right at the elevator shaft and it hadn't been there when we'd first come up.


I'm unable to meet due to dire circumstances.

Will meet as soon as possible. Sit tight and don't do anything stupid.

I have important information, much better than our original plan.

I mulled the letter over and over, unable to sleep. There really was someone in the camp who wanted to cause us harm. I sat up thinking of how I could fix this mess but I had no other choice but to go to my father and inform him. His men could surely handle what was going on, much better than I could.

I looked over at Nathan. He was sleeping off the battle wounds he'd sustained and it pained me to know that he would also be a part of my dad's group of cronies trying to protect our territory. I didn't want to see him get hurt.

I laid down and rested my head in the crook of his shoulder. This new information could wait until morning. What bothered me most was that the note had obviously ended up in someone else's pocket for delivery which meant that there were more infiltrators and not just the one we'd suspected.

Whoever they were, they had to just recently have joined. We hadn't had anything like this ever, so it they had to come within the last six months and that gave me chills.

There were only a handful of new recruits and that included Nathan.

Paranoia set in, could Nate really be the mole? Sure, he'd brought it up which might exclude him, but what if that had been part of the plan? If I were planning an attack, that's what I would do, outsmart them.

That kind of thinking sent chills down my spine. I looked up at Nathan, sleeping peacefully against me, there's no way he would be capable of that kind of thing...could he? Wouldn't I know if I was sleeping with a monster?

Going to my dad with this also scared me in that way. He would figure that out too and then all of the recent recruits would be questioned, or worse. What would happen if Nathan wasn't a part of this, but got caught in the crossfire? What if he was?

My heart and head hurt just thinking about this stuff.

I knew one thing, Sean had to be a part of it. He had the character for it. I could see him doing something like that and in my gut I knew it was true. Plus, I hadn't seen him around lately and that might be because of Nate but it might also be because he was busy doing shady shit right under our noses.

We couldn't lose the facility, I'd just started getting closer to a vaccine for all blood types and not just the Rhesus positive ones. I also had Reese to think about, he wasn't anywhere near healthy enough to survive an attack on the lab.

My stomach was in knots and I couldn't process what was happening without feeling sick. We had to figure something out, or we'd lose the lab to a bunch of savages.

Nathan Savage.

My heart hurt just thinking about that. Was his name a play on words now? I'd just willingly placed seeds of doubt in my head towards someone I really cared about. I couldn't trust anyone now.

Fibre Mortem: Rhesus FactorWhere stories live. Discover now