Fibre Mortem: Antibody

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Book 2 in the Fibre Mortem series.

Chapter 1 sneak peak.

"Whew Liv, you don't look so hot," Reese is smiling as he says this, obviously taking pleasure in the fact that I'm as sick as a dog right now.

It's been almost a month since he abducted Lou and I and took off for this magic lab he swears exists. It's been almost a month since Nate...

I can't bring myself to think of Nate, if I do I know I'll break down and cry and I can't do that. I can't show weakness to these freaks.

Its like they get off on it or something. We learned that lesson when Lou broke down over Dean.



My dad.


I turn towards him in the hot car and glare at him to take my mind off of them. His once attractive features make me wanna vomit...again.

He chuckles, "Have I ever told how hot I think you are when you look at me like that." He adjusts himself in his seat and I'm so repulsed that I start dry heaving.

Judging by his unamused expression, Reese didn't find it funny but I don't know if I'm delirious or something because I start laughing maniacally but start coughing and end up puking into a bag.

Lou looks at me, I know she's worried. I've been sick for three days now. It came out of nowhere, one moment I was just sitting there, and the next I started feeling nauseous and its been that way ever since.

I'm clammy, but I don't think I've got a fever. I close my eyes and lean my head back into the seat.

Being this sick is dangerous in an apocalypse. I can't expect to keep focused on survival if I feel like I'm dying on the inside.

I groan and Lou places her hand on my arm to comfort and support me. She's worried that I'm gonna end up dying on her too.

Not if I can help it.

"That's enough PDA with you too. Liv, why don't you slide your fine ass over next to me and Sean here will hop on over to Lou."

Sean smiles, a huge predatory smile and his eyes hungrily take in Lou.

Lou shakes like a leaf next to me and I can't say that I blame her, Sean is a monster. I know what it's like first hand to he at his mercy.

I had someone willing to fight for me, and Lou has only me. I'm no match for Sean's six foot five bulk-roidy frame. I'll go down fighting for her, regardless.

She's all I have left and no one's going to harm her while I still breathe the air around us.

"You know Reese," I say trying to hide my disgust at what I'm about to say and do, " why don't I sit next to Sean?"

I wiggle my brows to the best of my ability, for good measure, but that's hard to do when my head feels like someone took a hammer to it.

See, this is another game we play, Reese and I. Only this time I actually do hate him and try often to push his buttons.

I'm rewarded when Reese's expression sours, but also punished when I see Sean turn his perverted eyes to me.

That man knows no bounds.

Reese doesn't miss a beat, and after seeing me side-glance at Sean, he knows what I'm up to and he's now made his move on the chessboard,"As you wish, Lively."

I look over to Lou, who's visibly relaxed a little, but is back to expressively worrying about me.

I nod, letting her know that I'm going to okay. I am, I'm a big girl and as I've mentioned before, I've dealt with Sean.

She quietly shuffles across to where Reese sits and Sean awkwardly moves his massive frame toward me.

How the hell does Reese stand sitting next to him? It feels like I'm being packed into a can of sardines and let me tell you, the smell isn't much better.

I vomit, again and Sean sneers. Apparently he forgot I was sick but that's probably because he was daydreaming of other things...

I fight another shudder at that thought. Or maybe I actually do have a fever and now I'm shivering.

I have to hand it to Lou, she's not afraid of Reese. I suppose that's because of the time spent back at the CDC.

For some reason, and I don't know why, but Reese is also more inclined to listen to Lou too.

Not always, though, because he can sometimes still be an ass to her but he gives her more of a chance to he heard than anyone.

I won't lie about it either, but part of me is jealous of that and the other half is worried. Why does he do that? What's his motive?

Anyway, she lightly taps on Reese and mutters something quietly. He looks serious for a moment, looks at me and our eyes meet. The same chocolate brown eyes that I used to know, turn into slits and then I hear him say, "No can do Little One. We have a deadline."

Sean grunts next to me and his rank, hot breath hits me square in the face.

"Sweet baby Jesus," I pinch the bridge of my nose and try desperately not to retch again. I don't have anything left to bring up, "Dude brush your teeth with something other then your shit please."

Sean raises his hand to strike, "You dumb bitch!"

"Settle down! Right fucking now," Reese shouts just as we alp realize that the vehicle is longer on the ground.

We're airborne and it's confusing to me why that is. We were just driving down the road and now I'm watching as our bodies brace for impact.

We're all being thrown around, roll after roll. Lou's body flies into Reese's and of course, I couldn't be as lucky because Sean's behemoth body smacks into mine with force.

Everything hurts and I watch in horror as we flip again. This time, the lights go out for me as I knock my head against the door's window.

The last thoughts in my head before I give in to my body's needs are that we're all going to die and that they're going to find me underneath nasty ass Sean.

What a horrible way to die.

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