Chapter 1

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Aaron's POV

Two weeks later...

Sitting in my office at Tate Inc., I have several thoughts running through my head. One, how I'm going to finish all my paperwork by 9 o'clock. Two, what type of woman I'm taking to my bed tonight. Three, how I'm going to find a woman to fill the role of my wife and, at the same time, be approved of by my entire family. I was utterly exhausted and I had a progressing headache, soon to turn into a migraine.

I have been meeting with women for the past two weeks that already fit my requirements. All of them were either too slutty, stupid, or rude. I was ready to give up.

Once the clock turned to nine, luckily I was finished with my large stack of paperwork. I was looking forward to tonight. Tonight, I'll do a quickie, my assistant, then head to my sister's place.

Standing up, I stretched my back and sighed. Walking to my navy blue Chevy Silverado, I admired my truck. It wasn't everyday that one sees a truck on the busy streets of New York. Most of the time it's just cabs and small, practical cars. I, however, like to stick out.

Turning the ignition, I got lost in thought, once again, over who my wife would be. I've come to the conclusion that she had to be pretty, kind, respectful, smart, and respectable. It was difficult to find that deadly combination.

I realized that I have been lost in thought long enough to arrive at Kelly's house. Kelly is my little sister. She was a short little thing, standing at 5'2". But don't let that fool you, she is the feistiest girl I've ever known. She has shoulder length, brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. Any guy would want her and all the girls want to look like her. She lived on the outskirts of town, never having liked the city.

Walking up to the front door, I block out all the thoughts of my wife-to-be and took a deep breath. I rung the doorbell and waited.

When the door opened, I saw the familiar brown eyes I've come to adore ever since she was born. "Hey Kells."

"Hey Aaron. Ben is in the front room. He's been waiting for you to arrive. He was excited when I told him you were going to be by today," Kelly said, adoration present in her eyes.

Nodding, I walked in and greeted my sister with a kiss on the forehead. We had always been close. I entered the living room and I swear to god, the most precious little boy in the whole world stood there looking at me.

He was only three, but quite the charmer for his age. He was slightly taller than most boys his age and even a blind man could tell that he was going to be a very handsome, ladies magnet when he grows up. He has all the amazing facial features of one; straight nose, full lips, electric blue eyes. Any lady's downfall. He had soft blonde curly hair. I adored this boy more than anything in the world.

My son.

My ex got pregnant when we were 20. After Ben was born, she freaked, left the newborn and I, and disappeared off the grid completely. He was three now. I tried to call, text, even visit her old apartment, but there was no sign of her anywhere. I was in love with her at the time, but after she left, I don't think I could ever forgive her.

"DADDY!" Ben screamed after realizing it was me who was standing in front of him. He charged at my legs and jumped. I just about had a heart attack trying to catch him on time. I squeezed my son to my chest, never wanting to let go. Ben was my whole world, before anything else. He came before my job and any woman on the planet. In fact, I completely skipped my quickie before coming over.

"Hey bud. Are you ready to go home?" He just nodded his head like a dolphin asking it's trainer for food. Scooping down with Ben in my left arm, I picked up his bags from the corner of the living room.

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