Chapter 3

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Sorry. I have been so busy lately. It's only one POV and I will get the next one out as soon as possible.

Aaron's POV

Well, that was interesting. In a way she had no right to kick me, but it didn't surprise me too much. I was still a little sore.

Taking the piece of paper out of my suit pocket, I walk across the room to where I had placed my phone when I first walked in the door. I saved Taylor's number in my phone. All I had to do now was print up a contract and introduce her to my family. My sister was going to be pissed and my father pleased. My phone suddenly rings.

Speak of the devil...

"Son, how nice of you to pick up."

"Hello to you as well, Father," I respond, reluctantly.

"How goes the search for your wife?"

"Actually, I decided to propose to my girlfriend. You don't know her, but you'll love her. I assure you." I cringe at my own statement. My father has never loved anybody, other than his first wife who died from cancer before he met my mother. Plus, I wouldn't date Taylor if my life depended on it. Besides, I would be too worried about a certain appendage.

"Sure I will, she'll allow you to make me rich. That's all I could ask for at the moment. Bring her over for dinner on Friday. I'm sure your mother would love to meet her."

"Yes, sir," I reply after taking a deep breath. Friday night is going to be a disaster. I'm worried how she'll behave and how my family will like her. If they don't like her, I'm back to square one with this whole marriage thing.

I walk up to Ben's room and make sure he's asleep. It has become a ritual of sorts for when he's not staying at Kelly's. I walk to his room at 9 o'clock, Make sure he's asleep, kiss his forehead, then go to bed myself. This particular night, I was exhausted. I almost tripped going up the stairs twice.

After checking on Ben, I walk to my room and strip down to my underwear. I fall face first into my bed and I'm asleep within twenty seconds.


When I wake up, I went downstairs to make coffee then went to my office. I had contacted my lawyer after I left the arcade yesterday asking him to write up a contract for me. It basically stated that Taylor would live in my house, she would help pay for bills, she had to stay employed, she had to participate in half of Ben's activities, she had to act like a parent, and we must remain married for two years.

I printed out the document and put it in a folder to bring with me. After I do so, I wake Ben, get him ready, and drive him to Kelly's house. I knock on her door and there was no response. I knock again. Again. I was starting to get nervous when suddenly the door opened to my sister with bed head and wide eyes.

"For the love of everything that is good, do you have any idea what time it is?"

I smile then frown and look down at my watch, "It is 8 a.m. And if you want a specific time, it is 8:07. Is there a problem?"

"Yes, I believe there is. It is before 9. I should never be up before 9. What is your issue?" she asks with a glare that could kill.

I send Ben inside to play with his toys. I chuckle when Kelly realizes that I was not the only one standing on her doorstep. Her eyes as wide as they could possibly could go. I grab her wrist and drag her to my truck to show her the folder that I have prepared.

"You found a girl who was stupid enough to marry you?" she sounds so surprised. I was almost offended. She didn't think I could do it and who wouldn't want to marry me?

"Of course I did," I snap, "with some threatening and some hurt balls. I managed."

"Well then. Excuse me. I'll see you later." With that she walked back inside, leaving me feeling terrible for what just happened. I sigh and climb up in my truck and drive to the cafe. I would just make up with her later.

Taylor and I didn't set a time for when we should meet being as she was to angry to. I was very intimidated by her, though I would never admit it out loud. Hell, I could barely admit I was intimidated by a girl who was over half a foot shorter than myself. Either way though, I was in a rush to get to the cafe.

When I arrived, I grabbed the folder and went through all of the information again to make sure it was correct. Of course I knew it was, after all, I had only gone over it twenty times before showing up. I hurried to get out of my car. She could have been waiting for awhile now and I would prefer not to get on her bad side anytime soon.

When I walked into the shop and looked around, I was relieved that I couldn't spot the tempered woman anywhere. I walked to the counter and ordered my usual black coffee and sat down at a table near the door. I almost crapped my pants when I looked up and saw that Taylor was sitting in front of me with an irritated glint in her eyes.

"Took you long enough. I have been waiting outside for almost an hour now." She was ready to get down to business.

"Sorry-," I didn't even have the chance to respond before she interrupted me.

"Just because I showed up doesn't mean I'm still not ready to send your ass to hell. I don't want to hear your voice. Just give the damn contract and shut your mouth."

The nerve of this woman.

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