Chapter 5

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Thank you to all the new readers!

Aaron's POV

It was Friday night and I was pissed off. My sister was coming to dinner tonight so I had to get Ben a babysitter. She was hot and I was definitely going to tap that tonight, but god she was a stupid bimbo.

I was currently driving to my parents house, thinking of all that could go wrong tonight. What if Taylor decides to be her outspoken self? What happens if my family doesn't like her? Will they agree with this arrangement? It's not like they're going to find out all of this was a written contract, but still. What happens if they do find out? I need to take a deep breath and calm down before I crash my truck.

Five minute later, I'm pulling up to my parent's mansion and my stomach is churning. It felt like I was going to hurl but at the same time pass out. This night can't go wrong. I already paid money to make this play out. Plus it would be pretty damn embarrassing to cancel the court date. I got a reply from the court and we had an appointment to get married in a week's time. If Taylor passes the test of my family, I would tell her and if not, I would have to cancel.

As I was getting out of my truck, I see Zander's Lambo pull up in next to me and Taylor steps up and out of the vehicle. I did a double take and was shocked. She looks gorgeous tonight. Her hair was flowing down her back in loose, blonde curls. She had on black slacks and a fitted white button down shirt. The best part was that the shirt was unbuttoned enough to see the start of her cleavage and it defined her small waist. Taylor's body shape was being modestly flaunted, however, I wish I could see her naked under me.

I walked up to her and offered my elbow to her. She rolled her eyes and placed her small hand in the crook. We walked up the driveway and down the sidewalk, finally reaching the front door. Before I have the chance to ring the doorbell, my mother throws open the door and squishes me into a bear hug.

I hear her before I see her. Kelly came barreling to the foyer screaming, "WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS MY FUTURE SISTER-IN-LAW?" To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement. I was mortified. She pushed past me, straight to a shocked and scared looking Taylor, grabbing her arm, and dragging her inside. I quickly follow behind them, almost running to keep up and listening to the small, quick steps of my mom. I see a flash of blonde dash around a corner and into the living room. By the time I got there, my father was already standing talking to her while my sister continuously bounced on the balls of her feet. My father looks up at me with his usual stern stare then his gaze goes behind me to my mother, immediately softening.

His gaze turns to me, once again becoming stern, and holds out his hand, "Son."

"Father," I reply with a firm handshake, "This is Taylor, my fiance. Taylor, this is my father, Mathew, my mother, Angelina, and my sister, Kelly." I return my hand to my side, a cold, calm look settled on my face.

Taylor looks out at everyone, "Nice to meet you. Thank you for inviting me to dinner tonight." She shakes my father's hand. I wait to see if she passes the first test, a firm handshake, meaning a strong introduction and powerful personality. With a confirming nod from my father, I let out a breath of relief. She moves to my sister to shake her hand, but instead is pulled into a hug as Kelly squeals with delight. Hesitantly, I watch as Taylor returns the hug, her posture stiff as a board. When she pulls away she walks to my mother and holds out her hand.

"Call me Angie. I prefer not to sound as formal as my husband," she throws a pointed look his way as she grabs Taylors wrist and pulls her into a hug. Taylor is still stiff but I think she's getting used to the females in my family being huggers.

My father walks towards his wife, putting his arms around her waist, and kissing her cheek. My mother blushes slightly and lets out a soft giggle. My father absolutely adored her and everyone who meets them can see that my mom has him wrapped around her little pinky. Taylor lets out a small 'aww' and I glance at her surprised. I never expected that noise to come out of her mouth in a non-sarcastic way. She just looks at me and shrugs, a glint in her eye.

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