Chapter 7

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I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. This chapter is shorter and I apologize for that.

I want to thank everyone who has supported my story, so THANK YOU DEMONS!

Now on with the story.

Aaron's POV

After finding Taylor in the bathroom floor with a face pale beyond what one should be, dinner went rather smoothly. My mother liked her, my father will agree with anything my mother says, and my sister would have liked her if Taylor had been a hobo living under her house and stealing her food. 

That was a week ago.

I was on my way to this early morning courthouse date. Taylor was silently sitting next to me with all the paperwork that we needed to bring. Once we get there, we are going to be brought straight back where we will sign the papers and be married. After that, we are going back to my house to finish getting her moved in and then going to my parents family dinner once again, only this time we are bringing Ben to meet everyone.

We pulled up to the courthouse and simultaneously took a deep breath. Neither one of us wanted to do this but knew we had to, both for our own reasons. Me, for my father. Her... well I'm not completely aware of her reason. Either way it benefits me.

When we walk in, the secretary asks me how she can help me. Honestly, I could think of at least five positions she could help me with. Instead of doing that, however much I wanted to, I just gave her my name to get on with it.


A couple hours later, we were hitched for at least 2 years and driving to my parents house with Ben in the backseat of my truck. My mom had called last night and she was very excited to "Finally be meeting Ben" as she had said and I had a feeling that he was suddenly going to be spoiled... more than usual anyway.

We pulled up in the driving of the mansion and Ben looked so nervous but excited. In a way I was excited as well. Taylor was quick to get out and open the backdoor for Ben. She had ridden with us, for some reason not wanting to drive her car. Once the back door had been closed, I snapped from my trance and got out, walking straight to the front door and knocking. Taylor and Ben were walking hand in hand behind me, Ben basically bouncing as he walked. When the door opened, I opened my arms waiting for my mother to hug me. I got pushed to the side however, and she went straight to my new wife and son. Taylor looked tense and awkward while Ben was hugging his grandmother back tightly. I remember when I was that little and squeezed my mom that tightly every time I came back from school or from a friends house. I had done that up until I was about 15. Now that I look back, when I stopped squeezing her she became a lot more irritable with me. I realize now that my doings had made her upset beyond belief.

After letting go of them, my mother turned and gave me a small smile and gave me a light hug, nothing like what she had given Ben and Taylor. I was becoming jealous and squeezed my mother close to me. When we pulled apart, she gave me a confused look but I ignored it and walked inside. '

My father was descending the stairs, presumably from his office, as I walked in. We greeted each other as always, a firm handshake and a curt nod.



My mother's voice entered the air from behind, "I just finished dinner. Let's eat and chat." She looked back at my little family, "I can't wait to get to know you both better. I can't believe I haven't meet you before recently." I knew that was a shot at me for "hiding" my relationship with Taylor and keeping her and my father unaware of Ben.

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