Kidnapped pt.2

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Suspense built in your chest as you waited to see what was behind the bejeweled doors.

As they swung open, what was revealed was a beautiful, luxurious hallway with over a dozen dark oak doors leading to more rooms for different purposes. All was silent in the large hallway except for your heavy breathing from them manhandling you and the many flights of stairs you'd just climbed.

They shoved you forward and continued walking down the corridor. You took this opportunity to look around. There were large paintings of a variety of things scattered around the room; a girl with platinum hair in pigtails with the tips dyed pink and blue holding a baseball bat with the word "Goodnight" vertically printed on it, a newspaper headline that read "clown prince of crime strikes again; Gotham's Super Bank robbed of $450,000", and a variety of strange things displayed in glass cases. There were small tables with red cushioned chairs outside each door. The walls themselves were painted a cream color and they had borders of gold. The floor was cream tile and your shoes clicked on them. At the end of this giant hallway, there was a beautiful spiraling staircase. Because the corridor was so huge, there was an echo of every sound.

You had been so focused on your surroundings that you didn't notice the staircase that was looming over you. You also tripped over the first step, and a man wearing a bear mask kicked you and yelled at you to get up.

You scrambled to your feet and began to climb yet another set of stairs. You rubbed your thigh where his army boot made contact with your leg.

The stairs themselves were made of marble, and were cream colored like the rest of the expensive room. The railing was gold (not to your surprise) and was cold and smooth when you reached out your hand to touch.

When you reached the top of the stairs, there was yet another hallway, but this one was different.

The floor was a deep red carpet that you sank into. The walls were black and the ceiling was low. The walls were lined with various gold items in glass cases. Whoever this guy was, he was rich, and probably narcissistic.

There were about 6 doors also lining the walls, and the men surrounding you herded you to the third door on the left.

The "man" wearing the bunny mask knocked softly on the door and a grumble came from behind it. After about 2 minutes, an irritated voice was heard.

"I'm busy. What do you want?" It snapped. You gasped quietly.

That same smooth voice from earlier. This was the man who wanted you kidnapped. This was their boss.

This made you incredibly anxious but also kind of flattered at the same time. There must've been some reason he wanted you for himself.

You could hear the nervousness in the voice of the man that responded.

"Uhh... we got what you asked for..." he said slowly.

There was a moment of silence before the man inside grumbled and sighed loudly.

"Take her to my room. That's where she'll be staying. Lock her in there until I get done with my work. Now SHOO!" He yelled the last part, making you jump.

The man stuttered. "A-alright boss," and he gripped your arm and tugged you towards the last door on the right.

He dug in his pockets for a moment and pulled out a bronze key with a joker card engraved on it. He thrust it into the lock and it gave a satisfying click. He then shoved you in and closed the door behind you.

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