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Imagine being enemies with the Joker and meeting at the same bank.

You sighed and decided it was time to exit your small Gotham apartment and rob the bank like you'd been planning for the past week. You had everything laid out; the outfit you would wear, the way you'd get in, the way you'd make absolutely sure that they would hand over the money, and how you'd get away.

You slipped on your trademark outfit (you decide what you want it to look like) and put on thick face paint that would hide your identity, even though you were a very well known criminal. You grabbed all the equipment you'd need, which consisted of two hand guns, rope, 5 straw sacs, and ammunition.

You shoved it all into a small bag that you then slung onto your back. You checked the digital watch strapped on your wrist and gasped as you had only 2 minutes to get there (if you were to get there at the time you'd planned).

You jogged out the door and through the halls of your apartment building. To make sure no one was suspicious, you had a hood pulled down low to cover your face.

As you got to the lobby you slowed to a fast paced walk. You glanced to the secretary sitting quietly at her computer, ignoring you.

You opened the door and were hit by a cold breeze. You gasped and stepped out into the midwinter cold.

You paused for a moment to recollect yourself, and then proceeded to jog down the alleys to eventually end up at the back door of the bank.

You didn't approach though; you knew there were cameras everywhere. You had come here every evening for the past week, finding all of the cameras. Now you had collected several large stones and threw them at each of the cameras. You were rewarded with sparks flying from them; couldn't have people knowing you had come to the bank.

You then approached the back door and unlocked it with the key you had personally made to fit this lock.

You then strolled around front proudly and pulled open the double doors. You walked casually in the large bank with glistening marble floors and a high ceiling. At this point, people were staring with wide eyes at who was coming through the doors. You pulled your hood off and people gasped as they realized who you were.

You stood there defiantly with your hands on your hips and watched the clerk subtly put his hand under the counter to press a button to notify police. When you saw this, you scoffed and quickly whipped out your hand gun and shot him twice in the chest.

He flew back and hit the ground with a loud smack. People all around whimpered and cowered in the corners.

You spoke. "Does anyone want to try that again?" You glanced around. Not one muscle moved. "Good."

You looked back over to the counter to the other clerk who was crying over the man who'd just been shot next to her. You decided this was the time to act, especially since police would be here soon.

You abruptly marched over to the counter. You towered over her, and she looked up at you with frightened eyes.

"Go get me as much money as your arms can hold." You ordered. She hesitated. You saw her want to resist. "Do you want to die like your buddy over here?" You spat at her with angry words.

She quickly shook her head and grabbed a key. She then quietly walked to the back room to get you the money you'd asked for.

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