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Imagine finding out that you're pregnant with the Joker's baby

You sat up in the memory foam bed and stretched; it was about 11:30 on a Saturday, the first day your clown lover had off (or decided to take off) in a month. You had an entire day planned and were actually quite excited for it.

You looked over at the villain sleeping soundly, all signs of worry and stress gone from his face. You took a moment or two to admire a vulnerable Joker laying next to you. You spaced out in his face, thinking about the day ahead of you.

You eventually remembered that you don't have the time to be spacing out, and that you needed to prepare. You stretched again and got out of bed. Your feet touched the black carpet and it tickled the bottom of your feet, as they were bare.

Just then, your stomach surged and your hand flew to your mouth. You quickly sprinted to the bathroom and got to the golden porcelain toilet just in time before your previous meal and everything after came up your throat and into the toilet. Your mouth and upper stomach burned with your stomach acids.

You groaned as you wiped some remnants off your lower lip. You turned away from the toilet and leaned against the side of the sink's cabinets and stretched out one of your legs while the other was bent. You leaned an elbow on your knee and rested your forehead on your hand. You closed your eyes and began to think of what could've caused this random sickness.

Did I get food poisoning? I didn't eat anything out of the ordinary. What else could be causing this? You thought hard. There were no foods that could've caused it (you mainly ate pizza), you were never around anyone that could have spread the stomach flu to you, you weren't horribly disgusted by anything.

That gave you an idea that made your stomach churn. You and the Joker were very sexually active and had some fun at least five times a week. Even though you used protection each time, there was a high chance one of the condoms could've broken, given how often you had sex.

You counted how many days it had been since your last period. You'd counted 42. Your period was late. Oh God, you thought while getting onto your feet.

You paced quietly in the bathroom, thinking how this could be. Am I pregnant? You thought, finally finding the courage to actually think the words. You decided that there was no way to be sure until you took a pregnancy test.

You quietly exited the bathroom and glanced to the bed, where the Joker was still fast asleep, but now in a different position. You tiptoed to the side of the bed that you slept on and slipped on your Jack Skellington slippers. You took one last look at the clown before leaving the room and the warehouse.


You walked into the room again and crossed your fingers, hoping that Joker was still sleeping, even though it was now 12:23. You had to hide your face from Gotham's citizens as you were also a wanted criminal, and didn't want to be sent back to Arkham, obviously. You had to walk all the way to a CVS on the other side of Gotham in 10 degree weather. And then you had to walk all the way back, which is why it took so long.

You stepped through the threshold and looked at the bed to see it empty, no Joker in sight. You sighed and cursed under your breath. You called out to him "J? Where are you, baby?" Heh. Baby. You chuckled to yourself.

You hushed and heard a distant sound of running water; he was taking a shower. You took this alone time to use the bathroom in the hallway to take the pregnancy test. You took one out of the small box with about 4 in it and stuffed the small bag and the box in the drawer of your nightstand, hoping the Joker wouldn't be snooping.

You turned around and walked directly across the hall to the second bejeweled bathroom and entered, now seeing it for the first time. It was much different from the bathroom in your room; it was purple. The sink was purple, the shower curtain was purple, the toilet was purple, but the carpet on the black tiled floor was green. There were a few object scattered around the room that were also green.

You decided to focus on pregnancy and not the bizarre colors of the bathroom across the hall. You sat down and uncomfortably peed on the pregnancy stick. You then sat there and waited for maybe 10 minutes when you heard the Joker calling for you in your room.

You began to anxious. What if you're pregnant and he didn't want the baby? You can't just get an abortion. Even though you didn't know if you were pregnant yet, you had already grown attached to the idea of having a child with the Joker.

You grabbed the pregnancy stick and exited the bathroom after flushing the toilet. You slowly walked across the hall to your room and opened the door. You saw him standing in the middle of the room with his back facing you. He had only a towel on, and his tattoos stood out against his naturally pale skin.

He held something in his hands but you didn't know what it was. "Hey, J..." you said suspiciously. You slowly walked over to him and came around to his left side and stared at what he was gripping in his hands; the CVS bag with the pregnancy tests in it. Your header dropped when you saw the slightly angry expression on his face.

"(Y/N)," he started. "What are these?" He held them up slightly.

"I uhh... well... I think I might be-" he cut you off.

"Pregnant." He stated flatly. He tossed the box onto the bed lightly and turned so that he was facing you.

"B-but I don't know yet. I just took the test." You stuttered. He gave you a look that asked you to check. You sighed and held up the stick that he didn't notice was in your hand before. You looked at the circle where it would hold the answer...

There were two parallel lines in the circle, which meant you were pregnant. Tears of joy came to your eyes and you placed a hand over your mouth in excitement.

But that quickly faded when Joker snatched the test out of your hand to see the result. When he saw it, numerous emotions flashed across your face; among them were anger and joy.

He then came in for a hug. He hugged you close and rubbed your back. He stood like that for a few minutes, which you thought was kind of weird behavior for him and a little bit awkward. When he finally pulled away, he had adoration in his eyes.

"You're going to be a great mother, (Y/N)"



Hi everyone! I'm sooo sorry I didn't get a chapter out last night; I had a lot of homework and didn't get to bed until 1am. So I've been secretly working on it all day today at school, and I'll update again tomorrow!

Thank you for reading! Please vote, comment, or just keep reading! I'm thankful for all of it.

Have a tipsy Tuesday! 😊

Word Count: 1259

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