High School pt. 2

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You sat in an old blue recliner that had been passed down in your family since your great grandfather bought it in 1920, waiting for J to come pick you up. You'd had one other class with him during the day, and you'd caught each other staring throughout the period. This made you more confident about the whole thing and also made you very anxious.

It was now 7:52, and he would be here soon. You'd been watching the clock since you got home, and time had passed oh-so slowly. He said he'd be "fashionably late", and to wear something "special for him". So you'd put on a mid-thigh length red dress on that had ruffles past the waist. It was low cut, so it would reveal some cleavage to make it "special". The dress had thin straps, and you had to wear a strapless bra with it. You wore small-heeled red shoes with it, and your toenails were their usual shade of black.

You didn't know where you were going, though. He never gave any details apart from the time (or around the time) he would pick you up, and what to wear. This made you slightly suspicious, but it made you feel more alive, somehow. Like you weren't being a boring goody two-shoes. You would start living your life.

Another aspect that put you on edge was that your parents were very strict and uptight. They would ground you if they even heard that you wearing what you were wearing out of the house. You couldn't imagine what they'd do if they knew you were leaving the house without their knowledge, and with J, who would be considered a "bad influence" to them. Hell, you weren't even allowed to date until you moved out.

Your parents were the kind of parents that had big expectations for you. They wanted you to be a lawyer, or a doctor, or a chemist, or anything with a paycheck over $100,000 a year. They wanted you to go to the top colleges. Yale, Ivy League, Harvard. All the pressure and stress they put on you was just too much, and you often found yourself trying to get away from them as often as possible.

You tapped your fingers impatiently. 8:03. He was currently in the "fashionably late" zone. If it got past 8:20, you'd start to get irritated. What if he was just joking around when he said he wanted to go out with you? What if he just stood you up?

The thoughts made you even more nervous than you already were, and you got up and started to pace the living room floor, your heels clicking on the hardwood floor. You checked the clock more often than you already were. The seconds seemed to last minutes.

After what seemed like forever, the doorbell rang, making you jump. You stared at the door, bewildered that he'd actually come. You'd been thinking and convincing yourself that he'd stood you up or pranked you. But there he was, at the door.

The doorbell rang again, and you quickly walked to open the door. You twisted the bronze doorknob and pulled up the door to reveal a dressy-casually dressed J. He wore a white shirt with an undone tie under the collar, and the shirt was, of course, mostly unbuttoned. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, accentuating his muscles. The unbuttoned shirt revealed a few more tattoos that puzzled you; for instance, a jester tattoo on his right side of his well toned chest. He wore a golden chain with all of this, which added to his attractiveness.

He was grinning at you as you took in his appearance with curious eyes. You noticed this and your face got warm, again. He always seemed to have this affect on you. "Hey, doll. Interested again?" He held a single rose in his left hand, and held it up for you to take. "For you, my (Y/N)."

You blushed at the romantic gesture and looked down. Nobody had ever done this for you. Then again, no one had ever asked you out, or expressed any kind of interest in you. You'd never been allowed to do any of it.

You took the rose, careful not to prick yourself on the thorns that hadn't been removed, and put it on the table that was next to the front door. You made sure you had your keys for when you came home, and locked the door before closing it.

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