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Imagine the Joker finding you dead and mourning.

A/N: Hey! I'm sorry I didn't get a chapter out last night. I was at a New Years Party and didn't have the time to write anything. So I'm updating today and continuing the schedule from here on! Happy New Year!

Joker's POV:

A gunshot. Another. A couple more. They pierced my eardrums and a loud ringing came after. There shouldn't be any gunshots in the Warehouse.

I groaned and got up, ready to face whatever nonsense was disturbing my day off. (Y/N) had gone downstairs to get a couple sandwiches for us and we were going to spend the wonderful day together. But of course, now it's going to be ruined.

This thought made me angry, so I trudged out of my room, angry. Why was this happening today of all days? Why did they have to choose my day off?

My feet were tickled by the black carpet in the second hallway as I walked to the stairs to see what was going on. It was probably one of those idiots getting into a fight; again.

I peered over the banister to see a business man, dead on my golden floors. Blood spattered on my floors. I saw a goon against the wall, staring at the dead guy on the floor. A gun was dropped next to the man. I
rolled my eyes. I'm so fed up with my men. Can they never get something done subtly?

"What exactly do you think you're doing?!" I yelled at him. He jumped and pointed a finger past the dead man on my floor. What could possibly be more interesting than this dead intruder?

I irritably walked onto the cold stairs and began to make my way down them. The goon's head followed me for a moment but he then turned his attention back to wherever he pointed before. He seemed like he wanted to go over to wherever that was, but he restrained himself.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was curious to see what was so interesting. I turned around when I was off the stairs to see a body sprawled on the floor, with a pool of blood around its abdomen. It's back was facing me, so I couldn't see their face.

My face crumpled in confusion. Who is that? The voices in my head came down to a whisper.

As I approached the body, I took in details to see if I could identify it.

It was female, based on the hair length. Wow I thought. I'm gettin' all the ladies.

I giggled at the thought. I shook my head and focused on this mystery.

The hair was (H/C), and was all over the place with a head gently laid in the middle.

That's strange. My (Y/N) has hair that looks just like that, coincidentally.

She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a woven belt through the loopholes. She had on a gray tee-shirt that had a..... pink butterfly on it.

I froze. My stomach did a flip of anticipation. My vision clouded. The voices in my head were screaming at this point.


I shut my eyes and banged the side of my head with my palm. After a moment or two, they settled into a whisper.

My whole world spun. This had to be some kind of cruel joke.

"No." I said in a low voice. I wrung my hands together and quickly walked over to my beautiful (Y/N)'s body.

I got onto my knees and stared at her before I turned her over so that she was on her back instead. There was a wound in her lower abdomen that was still pouring blood. I grimaced at the sight and couldn't bear to see it.

Her sparkling/warm (based on eye color) (E/C) eyes were wide open, and a look of fear was plastered onto her face.

"NO!" I screamed. I stood up and swiftly walked over to the dead man in the middle of my floor. I knew it was him who took her away from me. He had to be punished.

I swung my fists hard into his disgusting face. Over and over again. I couldn't stop. Anger and sadness had taken over and I beat this dead man until his face was unrecognizable. I sobbed through it, screaming and cursing at this man.

I eventually stopped. I had to see my princess. I walked back over to her, slowly. I kneeled at her side once again, to take in her state.

Across the room, a silver platter was overturned and two sandwiches were laying beside it, in pieces. My breath hitched as a pain throbbed in my chest. She had been on her way to what should've been our day.

I ran my hands through my hair and put my ear to where her beautiful heart should be beating. I was greeted with a painful, eerie silence.

"No..no.." I muttered. She can't just be dead! This can't be real. I'm dreaming. Ohhhh I can't live without my (Y/N).

I gently picked up her head in my hand and kissed her hard on her cold, blue lips. I pulled back and she was unresponsive. I kissed her again, frantic. I kept kissing her. Tears streamed down my face and I gave up.

"Please wake up, (Y/N). Please...please please please..." I whispered. I put my forehead against hers.

"Please...I-I love you, (Y/N)" I said with my eyes closed. "I need you."

I sat there, cradling her for hours. The voices were completely silent, for once, and left me at peace to mourn my lost princess.

Oh how, how could I ever live without my (Y/N).



Word Count: 984

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