Breakup pt. 2

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Joker's POV

I sat in the van, waiting for those idiot goons to hurry up. The alarms were so loud. I saw two of my goons stumble out of the bank with two bags per hand. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I got TWICE that much and yet here I am, waiting for them.

I groaned loudly and made myself clear that they needed to go faster.

"Could you have taken any longer?" I groaned as they stumbled into the van. I saw police sprinting towards us and I yelled at Frost in the front seat; "DRIVE!"

With the van doors still open, he stepped on it. I slammed the van doors shut and started laughing hysterically.

I patted the goon closest to me hard on the shoulder. "Well that was fun!"

I knew exactly what I was in the mood for; I needed to see my (Y/N), who had been patiently waiting for my return.


We pulled into the garage and I violently opened the van door; I had been waiting so long to finally get back and see her.

The goons quickly followed behind me and shadowed me as I walked to the stairs and began to walk up them. I eventually got to the bejeweled hallway that I had personally designed. I just had all this extra money and I was just sitting on it.

I walked to the last door on the right to one of my three offices. I pulled out my gold key and shoved it into the lock and swiftly opened it. But before I went in, I decided to have some fun. I took the panda-masked goon and shoved him so hard that I sent him sprawling across the floor.

That just tickled me pink. I laughed at him as he tried to get up and fell again. I saw the other goon flinch as off he was going to help him but I stopped him.

When I finally composed myself, I spoke to the goon still standing.

"Will you go get (Y/N) for me? I'm sure she's excited that I'm home."

He nodded and he quickly made his way up the stairs. I turned towards my office door. I forgot what I was doing. I chuckled to myself as I spun around and made my way toward the door that led to the kitchen; that's where I kept my liquor.

There was a female bartender there. And damn was she ugly. We had- oh how do I put this- picked her up about a month back, and basically had mixing  force-taught to her, and this is her job now.

I squinted my eyes and smiled widely at her. I wiggled my fingers at her. It was so amusing to watch her get nervous.

I sat at the stool and asked for a few shots. She got them quickly; she didn't want to become another victim to

Just as I was about to throw one back, the goon I had sent to get (Y/N) burst through the door, interrupting me.

I slammed the tiny glass down, almost shattering it.

"What do you want?!" I yelled at him. I just wanted to drink and see (Y/N).

"'re not gonna like this...but-"

I cut him off. "Oh my God just spit. It. Out. Already." I snapped. Why did everyone have to be so annoying?

"She's gone." He said flatly.

I stared blankly at him. "What do ya mean? Who's gone?"

"(Y/N). She's not there. There's a note on the bed and all of her clothes are gone with her." He said.

My heart beat faster with anger and worry. Where had she gone? This had to be a joke.

I chucked the shot glass at the wall, making a hole in the wood and shattering the glass, sending shards flying back. "WHAT?!"

I shoved him to the ground while growling "move" at him. My head spun.

I practically ran up these steps. These steps which she'd walked down. I stormed my way through the second corridor and to the room that was supposed to have held my princess.

I swung it open, bracing to see her beautiful face smiling at me, laughing at the prank she'd just played on me. But I was greeted with a cold room, with no (Y/N).

I groaned/growled. Why would she have just left?! The voices in my head were screaming at me.

I quickly walked to the huge closet to see the doors wide open and all of her clothes (including the quite expensive lingerie) gone. Every bit of my (Y/N), gone. Nothing for me to remember her by. I screamed out in frustration. What was I supposed to do?

I heard two voices usually, but now, they said nothing. I could feel their confusion.

I felt my world spinning. A massive weight fell over my shoulders.

It stopped. I remembered. There was supposedly a...note on the pillow. Maybe she hadn't left me. Maybe she just went to see her parents for a few days.

I swiftly walked out of the closet, smirking to myself. She'll be punished when she comes back-for making me suffer like that.

I saw a piece of yellowish paper gently laying on the pillow. I snatched it in my hand, hearing the satisfying sound of crinkling paper in my fingers.

I read the letter that had ink smears and blotches all over it. When I got to the worst part, I slowly crumbled the paper in my hand, my rage steadily growing. I shouted out in anger, but also in pain.

I threw it at the damned picture of her, sitting on the desk in the left corner of the room. Why would she do this? I had a fit of yelling and anger for about 10 minutes. How could she do this to me?!

My vision blurred with tears of sorrow and pain. How can I live without knowing that she'd be here waiting for me? How could I do this to her?

That thought sobered my frayed nerves. I slid to the floor, on my knees. I held my head in my hands. Why hadn't I ever thought to come home and see her? Why had I ever thought it was a good idea to beat her like Harley? Ohhh I'm soo stupid. I need her. Noo what I really a drink.

How could I ever, ever go on without my (Y/N)? What had I done?



Hi everyone. Wow. My reads shot up from 62 to 113 within about two days! Thank you!

I personally didn't like this chapter, but I hope you did! And I'm sorry if you didn't. If you didn't like it, I would appreciate advice or commentary. If you liked it, that's great! Comment, vote, and request chapters!

Thank you so much, have a mega majestic Monday ;)

Word Count: 1164 words

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