Chapter 19 | Totally Annoyed

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"What are you doing here?" I frowned at Luke then my eyes shifted down to his grip where Max phone was. "And why do you have Max's phone?"

"Max told me to keep it with me last night before he got drunk," Luke smirked, waving Max's phone in front of my face.

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. 

"I bet you're here to tell Max about Cece and her new boyfriend," he guessed.

"How— don't tell me you just looked at Cece's Twitter account," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"He turned on her notification. I can't help it," Luke chuckled.

The hell? Max turned on her notification? Did this dude ever listen to any of my advices?

"So, what are you doing doing here, cheesecake?"

"What are you doing here, jelly bean?" I lifted my eyebrows.

"You told me to come here," he shrugged.

"Those texts are for Max," my brow corrugated. "And I want to meet him here because I need to tell him something."

"What is it?" I could see my reason to come here had awakened Luke's curiosity.

"I'm sorry, are you Max?" I raised one of my eyebrows.

Luke rolled his eyes in irritation, which was my first time of seeing him getting annoyed. By me.

"Then, let's go to Max's house if you really want to meet him so badly," he mooted.

"With you? No thanks," I curled my lips sardonically.

"Well," Luke threw his hands up for a nanosecond then they landed onto his sides with a slap. "I suppose you have your own car with you."

Every time I was all by myself with this jerk, my car would always not be around. Plus, I didn't bring any cash with me right now to ride a taxicab which was so great.

"I do have a car to ride on," I argued.

"Oh, yeah?" The bad boy in front of me somehow found it amusing to see me struggling to find another way to get to Max's house other than riding his motorcycle with him. "Then, show me that car. Or should I say your imaginary car?"

"Okay, I would gladly do that," my eyes were burnt with confidence.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and promptly dialled for Sara's phone number since she told me to call her whenever I needed a ride home while Luke was just smiling at me teasingly. I knew that I'd informed her that Max would drive me home, but in this case, I needed her now.

My strong confidence was then fell down to the pit of my stomach when my phone call was sent to Sara's voicemail. I was completely doomed.

"What the hell?!" I muttered silently in frustration as I tried to call her again.

But still, she didn't pick it up.

I groaned, holding back the urge of wanting to scream in front of Luke's face and just let my tension out. He had always got into my nerve every time he was anywhere near me. And it was just so frustrating.

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