Chapter 47 | Moment of Truth

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"Lennox, this is my niece, Reyna and her brother, Ronald," Marie introduced me to her companions that she brought along to this wedding ceremony. "Reyna and Ronald, this is Lennox, Luke's girlfriend. Say hello to her."

"Oh my god. For real? Luke's got a girlfriend? She's so pretty!" Reyna who seemed to be at the same age of Brooke shrieked and rose to her feet to pull me into her tight embrace. "And gosh, smell so good!"

"Thank you...I guess," I frowned at her, feeling so uncomfortable knowing that she just sniffed my scent as we hugged.

"So, your name is Lennox, huh?" Ronald grinned at me the moment I sat down beside Reyna, satisfied that he finally knew my name since I didn't give him a proper introduction the last time we met.

My eyes were too irritated to look at the sight of him, so they rolled away from him and I decided to fully ignored him. These people around this table I was in front of made me feel like I was in the same cage as the hungry hyenas. I'd never felt so uncomfortable as this before. I really wanted to get up now and just run away from here.

"So, tell me," Reyna stared at me right deep in the eyes. "How did you guys know each other?"

"Yeah, how did you guys meet? He'd never brought a plus one before or even come to any one of the parties I held previously except for Sofia's birthday," Marie queried curiously.

"Umm...he and I...are in the same school, so—"

"Ooh, so where did you guys make out at school?" This girl in front of me had seriously crossed the line. She behaved like we were close enough to tell each other when did we wax our vagina. "Have you ever get caught? 'Cause I did before. It was a long time ago."

"I'm sorry, what?" My brows furrowed even deeper, getting exasperated with her.

"Reyna, honey. One question at a time," Marie shook her head, extending her arm across the table and patted Reyna's hand on the table.

"Are you sure Luke loves you? Because to me, he only seems to be using you," Ronald smirked devilishly.

"Ronald!" Marie chided. "That's not nice!"

"What? I was just saying," the asshole chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes at the stupid dickhead, forming my hands into fists on my lap underneath the table, digging my nails into the palm of my hands and trying to ease off the urge to throw myself across the table then pummelled his face to death. If it weren't for the sake of not ruining this beautiful night, I would already be kicking his ass endlessly until he realised that he shouldn't be fucking around with me.

I couldn't care less if Luke really loved me or he was just fooling around with me because I, myself didn't really know what I should feel about him since he made me feel different emotions all at the same time. He made me feel annoyed and concurrently, I feel happy to have him around. All of my feelings were blended together and that was because of him.

"Marie!" The moment I heard Sara's voice from behind me, I finally felt so relief to have Sara and Ben as my getaway from having to interact anymore further with these lunatics.

"Oh my gosh, my honeyboo!" Marie rose to her feet instantly and hugged Sara tightly as the bride reached our table along with her groom.

"Lennox?" Ben's face was completely drawn with confusion as he saw me sitting at Marie's table. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, we are just talking about her relationship with her boyfriend, Luke," Reyna exultantly replied to the groom's inquiry.

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