Chapter 33 | Almost Impossible

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That fucking man-whore.

"I've never seen that prick before," Luke glowered at the sight of Ned driving out of the school ground through the gate after picking Cece's up.

"He's only here to pick Cece up," I said, sauntering towards my car. With every pace I took, it burnt with fury and annoyance.

"And how come you acknowledge each other? It seems like you've known him for a very long time," the bad boy followed me and quickly got into the passenger seat of my car as soon as I was already in my driver seat.

"He's my sworn enemy. I know him...from my old school," I avoided on telling him when did I begin to loathe Ned. I just did not want him to know anything about that. "Now, get out. I need to head back home."

"Why did you ask him about the bike?" He asked.

"Get out," I demanded in my deadpan tone.

"Why did you ask him about the bike?"

"Get out."

"Why did you ask him about the bike?"

"Get. The hell. Out of my car."

Luke shut his mouth for a second, staring at me with a grin across his lips before he continued to badger, "Why did you ask him—"

Groans of exasperation slipped through my mouth as I got out of my car after I put down the box he gave on the dashboard, walking around it and opened the door to Luke's seat.

"Get out," I repeated.

"Okay, okay. I get it. You don't want to talk about it," he stepped out of my car finally. Then, he pecked me on my forehead just in a blink of an eye.

"Stop kissing me everywhere on my face!" I was completely irritated by the physical contact of his lips on my face. If I could get shut of his lips, my life would be so wonderful.

Luke chuckled as he planted a kiss on his fingertips and pressed them on my lips fleetingly before he backed away to his motorcycle, "See you tomorrow, cheesecake."

I wiped my lips harshly and glowered at him when he was putting on his black helmet over his head.

"Don't forget to eat that cheesecake," he turned on the ignition, holding the handlebars. "I made it with my heart."

I curled my lips, "I'll throw it away!"

"That's my girl," he smirked behind the shade of his helmet then he waved at me before he drove away.

I sighed after closing the passenger door, gazing at him riding his motorcycle through the gate and disappeared in the main road as he turned left. He made my life full of wonder and he made my curiosity went pumped up whenever he was with me.

But why me? He met all the nicest, beautiful and perfect girls out there and swept them off their feet just in a snap of fingers. And yet, he came to me, the rude beast who could hardly interact with people politely and smile with full of sincerity, the one who had a very rough past to get through and was still recovering from it.

I just didn't get him.

Well, I would never get him. I would never get anything about him. I didn't get why he called me cheesecake. I didn't get why he chose to kiss me for the first time at Max's party. I didn't get why he had to hide all the truth that I needed to know. I didn't get why he hated his own family. I just didn't get a thing about him.

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