Chapter 27 | That Just Happened

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[A/N]: The Spanish sentences written in this chapter and in the next one are not entirely right because I used a translator from a website named and I also used a little of my knowledge that I just newly learnt from Fluencia.

I am truly sorry if you find any errors in my Spanish writings. I'd never have the intention to offend anyone or make fun of the race.

Now, please carry on. Hope you enjoy your reading.

"Call me IMMEDIATELY when something bad happens," Ben advised me, holding my shoulders tightly as we stood in the doorway of a front door. "Do you hear me?"

"I'm not deaf," I replied unemotionally and removed his hands off my shoulders. "I'll call you on my way back."

"Have fun," Sara said when I made my way towards Max's car parked at the side of the road in front of my house.

I didn't think this party would ever be fun.

As I opened the door to a passenger seat, Max was fixing his blonde hair, looking at his reflection in the rearview mirror heedfully without realising that I was already in his car, staring at him in disgust. I knew his goal was trying to make Cece regretted with her decision but I was starting to think that he was playing this game with her boyfriend instead of her and try to win her back.

"Max," I uttered and my voice startled him.

"Gosh, you scared me," Max startled and panted, putting his hand on his chest. "Ever heard of the word "Hi"?"

"What are you doing?" I frowned at him.

"Duh, obviously fixing my hair," He rolled his eyes sassily at me before he pulled out his car from the side of the road and then drove straight to the venue where the birthday party was being held.

My hands quivered slightly, still got the effect from hearing Ned's threat. He'd never failed to intimidate me with his capabilities. No one could ever expect what might confront them once Ned announced his presage. And I had to tell you that the outcomes were usually unpleasant.

It happened to me once.

His parents adopted me when I was eleven because they didn't want their only son to feel alone despite he personally loved loneliness. But Ned hated me, abominated me, despised me and all the words relating to aversion you could find in any dictionaries would describe how he felt towards me.

So, he planned on turning the entire world against me. He lied to his parents about me bullying him and consequently, they abused me, practically in every single day of my life. He humiliated me in front of our old school, telling everyone that I got some kind of disease that had made them to isolate me and pulled a lot of practical jokes on me until our principal had to expel me from the school. And to top it all, he made his parents keep me in the attic.

Ned was a grisly demon behind a mask of a human.

I thought after Ben and Oliver rescued me, everything would be fine and all those terrible events were buried deep in the past completely. But I guess, Ned got the opportunity to escape from it and needed to settle his revenge on me.

While I was diving into my old memories haunted by a demon and his demonic parents, I didn't realise that Max and I had finally arrived. Max turned off the ignition and looked at me as I handed him my phone.

"Can you put this in your pocket? I didn't bring any fancy bags with me," I informed.

"You're a girl. A girl should bring one wherever they go," my friend rolled his eyes.

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