18. Ivan and Jeremiah

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Haiiii guys :3

Enjoy :)


Star was smiling and giggling every now and then and was getting on Ivan's nerves.


"Let me be happy, you're just a horrible person." Star said, still smiling like an idiot.

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" Ivan said, focusing on the road ahead.

"Yeah! So it's about Ray and I ... and I'm sure you will not believe me, but we kissed!" Star said very excitedly.

Ivan hid the breaks and halted to a sudden stop and turned to his left to stare at the young girl.

"Do you want us to die? What did you stop? We're on a highway Iv!" Star exclaimed.

"Are you kidding me, Ray fucking O'Brien kissed you?"

"Yes you fool! He did!"

"Well tell me the whole story; how, when and where." Ivan said, starting the car and speeding across the road.


Half an hour later they reached Star's house and she unlocked the door to get out of the car, but Ivan stopped her.

She looked at him. Ivan was staring straight ahead, a serious look on his face.

"It's about Jeremiah."

"What ? Oh my god, don't give me that look. Is he alright, what happened?"

"No, no it's nothing wrong. Jeremiah is perfectly fine. But I need to tell you something."

"Of course go ahead Iv." Star replied with a comforting smile.


"Who the heck is that?" Star uttered, shocked to see a man leaving her house. He stood on the threshold of the front door, hugging a woman.

A woman who was no other than her mom.

"Is that your mom?" Ivan inquired, just a surprised as the young girl

"Ivan we'll talk later..." Star said while getting out of the vehicle.

She walked briskly towards the door and came face to face with her mom.

"Who was that?"

"How dare you ask me who that was? And where were you you little slut?" Her mom answered, words laced with anger and bitterness.

"What-" Star replied, utterly shocked by the words used by her mother.

"Are you deaf or dumb?"

"What is wrong with you? You're never home and when I finally found you here, you're snogging a random man."

"It's none of your concern! It's my house and I do whatever I want to do here."

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