Chapter 1 ~ The Escaped

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(Trigger warning: features themes of self harm, drug use, mental health, SA, abuse, and other things readers might find upsetting. Please be aware.)

I'm going to be publishing a rewritten version of this book (it'll be available to purchase as an ebook and paperback) that's turned out quite a bit different from this one, so I might leave this version up - if I do, I hope you still give the new one a try when it's released!

Chapter One: The Escaped


The ringing screams that polluted the air weren't the first thing that caught my attention, nor was it the scent of blood. They were both things I was frighteningly used to, especially in this part of the city. No, the thing that had me lifting my head was a shadow moving towards what I now considered my prey. I leaned forward on my perch high on the ledge of an old factory, giving me a clear view of all below.

Street lights cast an orange glow on only small portions of the alleyway below and the human woman who staggered on towered heels to gods know where. There was nobody else about, and every vampire that used the city as their hunting ground knew to give this area a wide berth unless they wished to incur my wrath and be booted from the city completely.

I focused in on the shadow that slunk across the the ground, keeping close to the wall with the soundless movement of a skilled predator.

The fact the creature blended in so well with the darkness meant that this wasn't just some new born vampire that had accidentally stumbled onto my territory to hunt, this was an old one who knew very well that he was trespassing on my land. Mine. And he was staking his claim, because he knew I was there, watching. He could sense my presence just as I could his. Power positively rolled off of him in waves that had me leaning even further from the edge of the building, drawing me like a moth to the flame.

Not just an old one then, an ancient one. 

His age meant nothing to me, however, because if I let him take my hunt from me now, he would do so again. I had to make it clear that he was allowed here only because I allowed him to be.

Standing up, I stepped off the ledge. Wind rushed past me as I dropped with bent knees, ready to hit the ground in a cat-like crouch.The shadow stopped his approach on the woman who he had stolen and turned to face me as my feet touched the ground with a gentle thud.

I stayed crouched for a second longer than necessary, my eyes adjusting to the new light. I was correct in thinking the shadow was a he, his dark hair framed his face and bright blue eyes stared back at me, studying me as I did him. Standing slowly, I bared my fangs, a subtle warning that I was prepared to defend my territory.

"You are trespassing. I have every right to kill you where you stand." I hissed, taking measured steps towards him, body tense and ready to fight.

A flash of pale skin and a weak chuckle were all I could make out in the dark until he spoke, his voice hoarse, "On the contrary, child. This is my territory."

I laughed, shaking my head at the audacity of the vampire before me, "This has been my land for-"

"For about a century, I am guessing."

His interruption was met with silence from me, how did he know that? It was not common knowledge. When I came to this part of the country, I was more than surprised that this was free hunting ground to be claimed, and claim it I had.Claimed territory meant first rights to prey, and control over who you let hunt with you.

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