Chapter 9 ~ Safe Place

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Chapter 9: Safe Place

"Where are we going?" I asked for the hundredth time.

I was met with a heavy sigh from Una who muttered something about impatient children under her breath. Rolling my eyes, I slumped back against the seat, staring at the hills and trees that passed by the window.

We'd left the city hours ago and now were driving down winding roads in the middle of the Scottish countryside. I jumped as a resounding thump rattled the car followed by a chuckle from Atanas.

"Damn pheasants." Una chuckled darkly.

I would have admired the steep rolling hills and waterfalls that fell from cliffs to meet the river that ran alongside the road if I wasn't so agitated. Being confined in the car for so long was making me restless. My foot tapped against the floor and I let my head rest against the window, letting out another heavy sigh.

"I can kick you out and you can walk the rest of the way if you'd rather?" Una suggested harshly from the front.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sure that would please you greatly but you're stuck with me."

"Unfortunately." She grumbled.

"Now, now, children. Let's be civil." Atanas scolded, catching my eye in the mirror.

"She's the one making sure the rest of us are feeling her irritation." Una snapped back, her hands tightening around the steering wheel, "You should have left her behind."

"Una, please." Atanas pleaded wearily.

Silence fell again, but a small smirk tugged at my lips. At least I wasn't the only one Atanas told off.

The sky was lightening quickly, bright orange glowing from behind the hills where the sun was beginning to rise. Already my skin was itching from the burn I knew would come from the sun's rays. My irritation suddenly turned into wariness.

"It's almost daylight." I pointed out, shifting so I could get a clearer view.

"The sun won't harm you while you're in the car, there's no need to panic." Una assured me, "I'll park as close to the door as I can so you can run inside."

How comforting.

I shifted again, trying to ignore the burn of hunger that was starting up. Una was starting to smell really good...

Gritting my teeth, I hissed as fangs pierced my lip, drawing a small bead of blood. Atanas inhaled sharply from in front of me, our eyes meeting once more in the mirror. They flicked from my face to my lip, his own fangs glinting as he caught scent of my blood. A strange sense of exhilaration filled me, heat pooling between my thighs.

"Drive faster, Una." Atanas grit out, tearing his gaze from me.

Una frowned, looking at him questioningly until she caught sight of his fangs. She lifted her gaze to the mirror to study me then mumbled something, slamming her foot harder into the pedal. The car lurched forward, the engine growling as we picked up to a now illegal speed.

Breathing deeply through my nose, I could pick up the smell of Atanas' arousal and it only pressured me more to give into my instincts. I curled my fingers, pressing my nails into the palm of my hand, using the pinching pain to distract me. I switched to breathing through my mouth and closed my eyes. Focusing on breathing slowly in and out, counting each one, I managed to regain some semblance of control.

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