Chapter 25 ~ Home

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Chapter 25: Home

Padraig sat against the wall, rocking Anna in his arms with a grief stricken face. She was pale, blood coating her lips as she lay limp and barely breathing. The wounds on her neck were healing slowly, but there was so much blood pooled around her, I couldn't believe she was still alive.

My hand tightened in Atanas' and I clenched my jaw to stop from letting out a sob. I refused to lose the only true friend I had in this world, but what else could I do to help her? It was a waiting game now.

"She's going to hate me," Padraig mumbled gruffly, ignoring the clean up that was happening around us.

Bodies were being dragged away to gods know where as we created our new base here so Padraig could have Cala-Phort back.

My eyes flicked to the line of captured vampires being dragged down to the cells where I'd spent the last few days before I crouched in front of Padraig. I didn't know what would become of them, and nor did I really want to. 

"Why would she hate you, Padraig?" I asked, frowning, tearing my gaze back to him.

Her chest was rising and falling more evenly now, which meant somehow he'd saved her. But when my eyes found the healing bite marks on his wrist, I realised just how he'd done it. Pain filled eyes met mine, seeking forgiveness.

"She's not going to hate you. I promise. Let's get her to a room, I think she'd want what happens next to be away from prying eyes, don't you? She'll feel much better if she's in her own bed," I said gently, trying to offer a smile of support.

Padraig nodded just as a thunderous growl tore through the room. Whipping around, the giant grey Wulver was blocking a stray vampire from leaving. Irritation flared. I was so over fighting, over the sounds of growls and screams and the coppery smell of blood that seemed to fill every single breath.

I stood, rage fuelled and exhausted, and launched myself at the man trying to make a break for it. With swift movements, I tackled him to the ground, hissing with fangs only a breath away from his throat. He stared with wide eyes, trying to choke something out.

"Enough!" I yelled, pressing my weight against him, "You've lost, and if you want to keep your life, you'll follow our warriors down to the cells where you'll stay until you either pledge allegiance to us, or decide your own fate lies with an executioner."

When all he did was smirk at me, my hand tightened around his throat, ready to take one more life before an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. I struggled uselessly before going limp, recognising Atanas' scent surrounding me. Lips pressed against my shoulder, a balm to my rage.

"You've fought enough today, Libertas Mea. Kincaid will take care of everything. You need to feed, and rest, and shower. Tomorrow is going to be another long day and Anna is going to need you by her side as well," Atanas murmured.

I looked around at the vampires that watched me warily and realised that even they were afraid of me. Had I seemed that violent? That lost? Elaine watched from beside the Wulver who was still alert, ears pinned back.

"Okay," I whispered, taking a step back as Kincaid grabbed the man and dragged him towards the basement.

As much as I wanted to follow him down, to check every lock on every cell for myself and then be the holder of the keys so I knew they were definitely locked in, I relented.

Padraig headed towards the front door but Atanas tried to guide me up the stairs. I froze, my chest constricting.

"I don't want to stay here," I stuttered, pulling back, "I can't,, I don't want to sleep here."

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