Chapter 15 ~ How It's Meant To Be

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Way of the Vampire has just been selected for the WattVamps February Showcase and will be featured on their profile for the month!

Sexual Content Warning

Chapter 15: How It's Meant To Be

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to keep up with Atanas' large steps as he lead me through winding corridors

"To find out if you really can kick my ass. I need to know you can defend yourself so Padraig has moved his collection of junk to the side so we have the hall to spar in." He explained, pushing through massive double doors.

The room was cluttered with everything from yet more mirrors to ancient vases, paintings, tables and Greek statues. Half of the large ballroom style hall was cleared, but there was still enough stuff that I worried we might indeed break something.

"Wow." I mumbled, studying a dusty painting depicting a blonde woman in a sapphire blue renaissance dress.

Atanas brushed me to the side, picking up and turning the painting around. I quirked a brow at him.

"No distractions. This is important."

I sighed, turning to face him, "I'm dressed entirely wrong for a fight, can I at least go change?"

Atanas eyed the dress I was in and shook his head, "You never know when you're going to have to fight, you won't always have the pleasure of appropriate clothing."

His stance was entirely relaxed, hands folded neatly behind his back while I widened my stance a little. I relied entirely on vampire instinct when attacked, but Atanas had centuries of learning the art of a fight, not that I thought he'd ever really hurt me. My biggest fear right now was the skirt of my dress flying up as we sparred. The thought sent a flush of embarrassment through me.

The slightest of movement from Atanas drew my attention back to our current activity. I barely blinked and his body was a blur as he came for me. Twisting my body out of the way at the last second, I felt a small gust of air against my skin as he passed by me. A nod of approval from him before he was grinning, his only warning before his fist was flying towards me. I grunted at the hit to my gut that made me stumble back, doubled over and gagging.
Atanas wasn't holding back after all.

"So what is it you wanted to speak to me about? Anna made it sound important." He said, watching as I straightened up painfully.

"Nothing important." I answered hoarsely, allowing annoyance to fill and fuel me.

Why was he bringing that up now of all times? It wasn't like our play fight would distract me enough to loosen my lips.

I launched myself forward, aiming a hit for the side of his head but all I met was air. I could hear his heartbeat to my left and kicked out but he'd seen it coming and grabbed my foot. I hopped, struggling to yank my leg away from him.

"I have an inkling of what it may be about so you might as well ask whatever it is you want to know." He chuckled, releasing me.

Glaring, I pressed my lips together defiantly. The cocky grin never left his face though, he wasn't giving up so easily.

A kick to my hip had me stepping back, but I managed to avoid the punch that followed. My jaw clenched, emotions getting the better as I acted out in a flurry of attacks that Atanas swatted away without breaking a sweat.

RebellionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora