Chapter 28 ~ Hunt

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Unedited...badly unedited

Chapter 28: Hunt

My hands shook as I slipped my arms into my jacket, my body alive with adrenaline. Atanas watched me carefully, his gaze flicking to the dagger at my hip. I was going, no matter how he tried to argue any further. Kincaid stood looking as stern as ever by the front door, arms folded over a huge, muscled chest.

"He could still be out there, Shylah," Atanas spoke up, his tone an unhappy grumble.

"That'd be even better. Taking him down alongside some Fallen would just make my night," I sang, giving him a false smile.

He shook his head, fangs appearing from behind tense lips. Kincaid sighed. He'd grown bored of our back and forth, and like me, just wanted to get moving. I was ready for this, more ready than I thought I'd be.

"Why are you so desperate to leave now? It's only a few hours until daylight, something could happen that'd delay your return," he continued, grabbing my arm to force me to look at him.

My jaw clenched and I thought about lying again, but instead I looked away, grinding my teeth together before muttering, "I can't be here while you're dealing with prisoners,"

His grip loosened, the harsh lines disappearing from his face. I glared, angry he had make me speak my truth.

"I can't listen to their screams, smell their blood, hear their last breath,"

"We'll be in the dungeons, you won't even-"

"I will hear," I argued, closing my eyes, "I will. I'm sorry that this is one weakness that I won't be able to beat. I will execute the Fallen, because they are Fallen. Rabid. One step up from animals. I won't watch the execution of people."

Finally he released me, his expression grim and I straightened my jacket. It wasn't that I disapproved of how he'd chosen to punish those that refused to swear fealty to him and I hoped he understood that. They couldn't be allowed to live, it wasn't like they'd grow old or die, they needed to be dealt with.

Kincaid tapped the door handle, expressing his irritation and need to leave.

"I'll be back before the sun rises," I promised quietly, turning away from him to follow Kincaid out the door.

The world was grey with fog again, salt scenting the air. It must have been sunny the day just past for so much water to be in the air. I shut the door behind me without looking back at my mate.

Kincaid stood at the bottom of the steps, looking around and I let him decide where to begin our search. I'd lead us both once I found signs of the Fallen, and I was good at finding their mess. Though it was hard to catch scents with so much water in the air, and the smells of the city mingling so thickly it was almost impossible to distinguish only one particular scent, I was experienced. Cities were my home, my hunting ground.

"Where would they go," Kincaid asked when I finally descended the stairs to stand by his side.

"Where it's busy," I replied, catching his surprised gaze.

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