Chapter 13 ~ Whiplash

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Chapter 13: Whiplash

"Stay here, Anna." I ordered, darting for the stairs.

I took them two at a time, my fangs descending as I readied for a fight. Swinging myself around the corner, I stopped short.

Mirdull was kneeling in the middle of the room, growling and struggling against an unseen force. Una stood behind him, her arms folded with a completely uninterested look on her face. Atanas stood before him, his eyes dark and watchful. His attention flicked to me and he held up a hand to stop my approach. I ignored him, walking to his side.

Zena and Lachlan were still sitting n the couch with Padraig looking slightly worried standing beside them.

"What's going on? Why is he here?" I demanded, glaring at the kneeling vampire.

"He betrayed us twice, Shylah. He's staying here with us where he'll give us the information we need." Atanas explained, sliding his body in front of mine so he was between Mirdull and I.

Mirdull grinned at me, his eyes on my neck, "It's good to see you haven't changed as much as Airell thinks you have. You've just swapped one master for another, I'm surprised you let this one mark you."

Launching forward, fury taking over, I growled angrily as Atanas yanked me back.

"Fuck you." I hissed, tugging against Atanas' hold, craving nothing more than to have Mirdull's throat.

"Oh but I already have, many times." He smirked, seemingly unafraid of his situation.

"You'll shut your mouth, Mirdull." Atanas growled.

He chuckled, his eyes still on me, "Airell sends you his love, little bird. You'll be back in his cage soon, he promises."

Icy fingers trailed up my spine and I stopped struggling against Atanas, stepping closer to my protector. The laughter that left Mirdull was slightly manic and sent another shiver through me.

He shouldn't be here.

I didn't want to be anywhere near him.

"Take him downstairs, Una. I don't want to listen to him anymore." Atanas ordered, his hands loosening on my arms.

"All this for her-"

"Now, Una." Atanas snapped, glaring until she dragged Mirdull to the basement.

I watched until they both disappeared from where I had just darted out from. Anna stood by the door for a moment before quickly sliding into Padraig's arms.

"Why do they want her back so badly?" Zena asked, "We're putting ourselves in unnecessary danger by keeping her here. Why don't we just hand her back?"

Panic flared, my heart skipping a beat at the thought of being given back to my torturers.

"She stays with us. If Airell wants her back so badly she must be worth something." Atanas argued, releasing me and stepping back.

My shoulders slumped and tears stung my eyes at the realisation that that had been the reason he'd kept me. Atanas had given up the illusion that I was his mate, at least in front of his inner circle. I turned on them all, meeting each of their eyes with rage.

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