Chapter 17 ~ Revelations

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Chapter 17: Revelations

My hand hesitated before I sucked in a breath and knocked on the door that swung open immediately. Anna smiled when she saw me and waved me in.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"I need to borrow some clothes." I said, a little embarrassed.

She laughed and dragged me over to a walk in wardrobe, raking around the pile of clothes littering the floor until she picked up a massive shopping bag and shoved it into my arms.

"These are for you, I picked them up when you arrived." She smiled.

My eyebrow quirked up as I peered into the bag that was packed full of jeans, shirts and even a pair of shoes.

"You're the one that's been putting clothes in my room?" I guessed, feeling a little better that it wasn't Padraig that had been picking out what I should wear.

She grinned and nodded, "You came here in joggers and a shirt, I was worried about your fashion taste so I decided to take control."

"That wasn't my normal choice of outfit, not if I'm leaving my flat, but I didn't have time to change before we were chased out." I pointed out.

Anna cringed, rubbing her arm, "Sorry."

It's fine, really. Your taste is the same as mine...except the dress." I waved her off.

A smug look came over her face and I knew immediately she had picked the dress on purpose.

She twirled a strand of hair around her finger and shrugged, "Padraig and I were tired of watching you and Atanas going round in circles so I decided you both needed a little push. It obviously worked."

I blushed, ducking my head. Anna cackled and patted my cheek playfully before she pushed me out of the wardrobe. She took the bag from me again and sat it on the bed, pulling out various items. I decided to let her continue to dress me, she seemed to enjoy it.

"How was it? Did you enjoy it? Did he confessed his undying love and devotion for you? Is he big?" She rattled off, her grins widening at my obvious discomfort.

Her last question caught me off guard.

"Anna! You can't...that's none of your business!" I sputtered, feeling my cheeks heat even more.

"It sounded like you enjoyed it." She giggled.

Rolling my eyes, my thoughts drifted back. I had enjoyed it. More than I thought I would. I didn't want to tell her that he had indeed told me he loved me, it was something I wanted to keep to myself for a little while but I wasn't quite sure why. Maybe because it was the only secret I had that made my chest feel warm and light instead of heavy.

A bundle of clothes was pushed against my chest and Anna pointed back to the walk in wardrobe.

"You can get dressed in there and then we can go downstairs and find out if the rat in the basement has told Thierry anything."

A small shiver went up my spine at the reminder that Mirdull was so close but I pushed the thought away and did as I was told. Closing the door to hide myself from Anna as I got changed, I set the clothes down. I'd been given underwear today at least but as I picked up the tiny matching lacy set, my eyes bulged.

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