Chapter 17

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The people who lived in their own homes often made and ate breakfast at home, so it was just those who lived in the pack house, or who had been out patrolling, who were looking for breakfast. The dining room had numerous large tables and chairs spread across it like an oversized cafeteria. Breakfast and lunch were more of a serve-yourself event. We were too late to help cook, so we just grabbed a plate and filled it before heading over to a table.

Occasionally, I sensed people looking at me in curiosity while I ate. Samantha and John sat across from us and visited with us. I watched in amusement as Will was somehow managing to eat everything he had loaded onto his plate. I simply could not figure out where he was putting it all.

I turned my head in faint alarm as I felt a flare of powerful emotions to the side of the room. I could feel the person's shock, excitement, and ambition as she focused intently on me. Whatever plan was storming through her mind, it included me, and my Omega senses alerted me to her scrutiny.

Will noticed my sudden distraction and glanced across the room with narrowed eyes before groaning and dropping his face into his hand. I glanced back at the lady as she was making her way swiftly towards us. Her low high heels clicked on the floor, her shirt gently swirled with the speed of her walk, and her tight jeans were some sort of expensive designer type. Her eyes were locked on me.

My senses immediately told me that she was Will's sister. From the mix of excitement, disbelief, and accusation radiating from her, I somehow suspected that Will had not told his family that he had found his mate. And she was not impressed with that fact.

She came to a stop right beside me and took a deep breath. I felt her excitement flare as she confirmed her suspicion. She faced her brother with disbelief and a touch of accusation. "How could you have found your mate and not told us?!"

Will raised his eyebrow slightly. "Mom, Dad, and Brad all know. If you hadn't blocked off your mindlink yesterday, you would also know."

She dropped down on the seat beside me with an exasperated sigh before turning to me. "Brothers. They withhold critical, need-to-know information at the worst possible time. Please tell me that you didn't have to put up with brothers when growing up."

I felt Will stiffen beside me, but I smiled at her. "No, I never had any siblings."

She sighed in relief. "You are so lucky then." I could feel the tension rolling off of Will, Samantha, and John at her unwitting speech. They hadn't brought up my past in case there were painful or sad memories.

Will's sister somehow remained oblivious to the other three at the table as she replied, "I'm Tiffany, Will's sister. What's your name? When did you get here?"

"I'm Jade. I arrived yesterday in the early afternoon."

She mumbled something incoherent before looking back at me. "Which pack did you come from?"

Will's low growl made all of us glance at him as he eyed up his sister. She blinked at him in shock. I reached out and rubbed Will's arm, trying to relax him, while replying, "I was a rogue living not far from the Delby pack. Sorry about Will's reaction. The mate bond took us for a ride earlier today, and our control isn't exactly at its best."

Tiffany blinked in shock and remorse, now realizing just how inappropriate her earlier comments had been.

Samantha broke the silence before it became uncomfortable. "I was wondering how the mate bond would affect Will. Even though he comes from a normal family, he has the Enforcer rank, and from what I heard, Enforcers get hit by the mate bond almost as hard as an Alpha since their protective tendencies are amplified."

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