Chapter 41

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Will's headlong flight didn't slow until he came to a large cave dug into the side of a hill. Well, it was large by my standards. Will could barely squeeze down the tunnel, and there was barely room for him to curl up in the tight location.

He somehow managed to get inside and curled up before finally putting me down, nuzzling me gently. He wiggled a bit and ended up curling around me in the tight space. It was like lying in the middle of a giant furry donut. His shoulders completely blocked the entrance, so I wasn't going anywhere until he let me.

He sighed and buried his nose in my fur again. A tongue almost half my size started licking my fur. I made a face, but didn't bother commenting since his mental shields were still up.

Tony's voice entered my mind. "How are you holding up? I can't believe Will actually managed to fit into that hole."

He was torn between concern for me and laughing at Will's accomplishment of squeezing his massive bulk into the narrow space.

The situation was just too ironic and I said, "For someone who freaked when I climbed into a tight space, I find it hard to believe that he just pulled a similar stunt. I am currently getting a bath. Feel like trading places with me?"

Tony's chuckled, and I felt his amusement clearly in his reply, "Nope. Just keep hanging in there."

I sighed; I hadn't really thought that either of them could help me. Will would probably turn them into a scratching post in his current mood.

The fur on my face, neck and back went from dry to damp, then from damp to soaked with Will's cleaning. About the time that my fur simply couldn't get any wetter, Will's mental shields dropped as he regained control. He blinked slowly at me as awareness finally appeared in his eyes.

His mindvoice was slow and confused, "What just happened?"

"Good question," I said, nuzzling his cheek. "I was exploring and having a great time with Ruby when you jumped off the deep end."

He huffed as my words triggered his memory. "You were stuck in a rabbit burrow. I could feel the sides of the burrow pushing against you from all sides through the mindlink. What did you expect? You cannot tell me that Ruby was in those tunnels with you either..."

I knew he would have felt the dirt in my fur, but it hadn't occurred to that he would pick up just how tight of a squeeze that section of the tunnel had been. Then the image of him attempting to somehow stuff Ruby into one of those tunnels made me chuckle.

"No, you would have found her if she was, but, alas, she wouldn't fit. She was nearby though. I had more room in most of those burrows than you have in here. I was not stuck either, that is why you couldn't find me underground."

He exhaled in irritation. I shook my head, causing my ears to flap and sending small droplets flying from my fur. Will blinked as they hit his face and fur, distracting him.

"Why is your fur soaked?"

"Gee, I wonder why?" I said, with my tongue hanging out in a wolf-grin. "It surely couldn't have anything to do with the couple thousand kisses I got over the last five minutes."

I felt his surprise. "Somehow I don't recall that..."

"Well, I can honestly tell you that there isn't anyone else in here."

Will glanced around and examined the rather snug den he now found himself in. "Exactly how did I get in here?"

I shrugged. "That is a mystery for another day. Let me go out first so you don't have to worry about squishing me in your attempts to get out."

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