Chapter 28

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I woke slowly, blinking sleepily. I realized with dim shock that I was still in human form. I couldn't remember the last time that I had slept in this form. Will's arm was slung across my body as he held me close to him in his sleep. I shifted my legs and winced at the dull ache. I shouldn't be surprised that I was a bit sore this morning after last night. Hopefully, it would fade quickly.

I slowly lowered my shields and let my senses roll out. I had slept much later than usual, and breakfast was almost ready. Last night's events had apparently tired me out more than I had realized. I blushed a bit at the memories and glanced over my shoulder at Will, who was still fast asleep.

My sensing abilities had mostly recovered, and I could probably handle today without shielding. I probed deep into my own mind and saw the mate bond shining brightly as it pointed to Will. I looked at it in curiosity. The bond was pure energy, and it was actually very pretty. Too bad only someone with the Omega's sensing ability could see it. Well, there was one way...

I managed to roll over so I faced Will. I was momentarily distracted by his bare chest and peaceful face. I gently ran my fingers through his hair; I might as well take advantage of it now, especially since I had hands instead of paws. I was amused that it did not even stir him from his slumber.

I leaned closer and gently kissed his lips. I felt the mate bond glow brighter and sensed Will's faint flickering emotions stir to more vibrant life as he started to wake. "Mmmmm..."

I pulled back a bit to wait. Moments later, his eyes fluttered open sleepily. I reached out with my mind and located the private mindlink that the mate bond provided. I sent a memory of the last few seconds and a closeup of the mate bond to Will.

He blinked, dazed by the memory and trying to comprehend the image while more than half asleep. I chuckled lightly before leaning in to kiss him again. He returned the kiss swiftly enough. He pulled back, his voice thick with sleep as he murmured, "Okay, that I can understand. I still need some time to make sense of that picture."

I leaned my head against his chest contentedly. Will hugged me closer and buried his face in my hair. A while later he spoke, "I really can't find the ambition to get up at this point."

I hummed lightly before responding, "Well, breakfast is already half over, and if we don't hurry up, all we are going to get is dry toast and tea."

He mumbled, "That is fine by me if I get to stay here."

I hadn't had bacon in over two years, and I really wanted some. I decided to play dirty, although my voice held teasing tones. "I have had dry toast for breakfast almost all year. Someone is making bacon and hashbrowns down there, and I really need a shower before I go anywhere."

He raised his head as he examined me with disbelief, unable to believe that I was choosing food over him. I tilted my head innocently as I informed him, "Besides, if we don't get moving, Tony and Tiffany are going to come drag us out by our ankles. Tony is after payback for whatever you did to him on the training field yesterday, and Tiffany is getting way too excited about makeup for my liking."

Will groaned as he sat up, "I'm up, I'm up..."

I slowly sat up and stretched, trying to loosen up any stiff or sore muscles without it being too noticeable. I didn't want Will to start worrying. I looked around the room and shook my head. "I think this is the first time I have ever had to hunt for my clothes..."

My shirt was thrown on the chair, my sock was on the floor, and I couldn't see the rest at the moment. Will chuckled as he realized that I usually woke up in wolf form. I glanced back and once more marveled at his bare back before focusing on the difficult task of locating all of my clothing.

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