Chapter 48

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I readied a poisoned arrow and took aim at the milling group. Things in the attacker's organization were starting to fall apart, but just as Jisk and I had assumed, there were a couple below who were keeping the original plan, whatever it was, in motion. I could sense Jisk as he got into place and readied himself.

I stepped out from behind the tree and loosed my arrow at the third in command. I promptly shifted into wolf form and hid behind a large log. That guy had been keeping most of the attackers in line. He screamed in pain as his hands gripped the arrow lodged in his stomach. Heads turned toward him before spinning in the direction of the treeline as they tried to spot the archer.

I took a deep breath to build up my courage. If I had been wearing boots, I would have been shaking in them. I must be insane. Why had I agreed to this?!

I jumped on top of the log.


One had immediately spotted me. I lifted my head proudly before grinning at those who were now looking at me with various expressions. The attackers knew I was the one who had also killed their Alpha; even a pack held together by threats felt the urge to kill the one who killed their Alpha with a deceitful ambush.

A massive dark brown wolf launched out of a window to land on the second in command. He was taken completely by surprise since he had been distracted by my appearance, and I heard the snap of the man's neck from where I stood. The wolf immediately attacked a couple of the largest fighters who happened to be near him. The commotion had everyone focusing on them.

I turned and darted into the undergrowth in the distraction. I felt several closer to me start to come after me, while a few others were taking their chance and running away. I darted down a rabbit burrow; this one was well known to me and larger than average. I quickly went out the far exit with my pursuers sniffing and digging at the entrance.

I brushed against a pine so my scent was closer to this part of the forest. Once I was a safe distance away, I shifted and climbed a tree before heading back to the edge of the forest near the town. I took care to remain completely hidden as I examined the chaos below. Jisk had disappeared, although by the half a dozen bodies, he had left his mark. Several of the attackers were in loud arguments over who was now in charge and what should be done.

I felt Jisk approach and glanced over as he climbed up on the other side of the tree. I saw a few minor scratches, but neither saw nor sensed anything more serious.

I said, "Good job. Do you think anyone left will be elected leader easily?"

Jisk grinned at my compliment. "I am not sure. I wasn't paying much attention since I was trying to cover my scent to hide the blood splatter. I assume you didn't have too many problems with the Alpha or your pursuers?"

I shook my head as I replied, "I got lucky with that one. The Alpha didn't even know where to look for me until I showed myself. These guys have obviously never been rogues; the three chasing me were completely baffled by my journey into the rabbit hole."

"Any idea who might be winning the Alpha election down there?"

"Give me a moment." I pushed my senses out to pick up the undercurrent of emotions and tendencies in the attacking group. Something else caught my attention though. "Wow. Will is absolutely furious, I have no idea how he is looking so calm or remaining in control. I almost pity the one who unties him. Oh, wait a minute..."

I had felt a brush against my mind, and I had recognized it even through my mental shields. "Alpha, were you trying to contact me?"

I felt his relief at finally getting a response. "What is going on? Why isn't anyone else responding?"

I gave him a mental image of the scene in front of me. "We just managed to take out the first four in command and three of their top fighters. Right now, they are bickering over who gets to call the shots. None of our pack are dead, but all were exposed to a herb that blocks the mindlink and many were tranquilized, although the tranquilizer is wearing off. It looks like about half of their force is here on threats and are quickly scattering in all directions. If you circle around and come up from the south, you will catch them by surprise since they think that they cleared that direction."

The mate bond was working since it was so powerful, but the general packlink was still down. The whiff I had gotten must have worn off. The Alpha paused, likely relaying my information to those he was traveling with.

He spoke to me once more, "We will come up from the south, then. Trevor and Mike are with me, along with a large group of their warriors. We are just crossing the border now, so we will be there shortly. I know you aren't a trained fighter, so please stay safe until we take care of the intruders."

"Alright. I will remain in hiding near the town in case you need to call me."

He sent a silent affirmative down the mindlink before fading out.

I told Jisk, "The cavalry is coming and should be here within fifteen minutes. The Alpha came with the neighboring pack's Alpha, Beta, and most of their warriors. They are going to loop around and come up from the south."

Jisk sighed in relief. "Oh, good. They can finish up the battle. They won't get much resistance at this point."

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