Chapter 37

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Trevor and Mike had left in good spirits several days ago with the promise that we wouldn't blow their cover. The days settled down, and I began to learn more about the pack I was in. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed being part of a pack.

I relaxed in the sun as I took a break in the trees behind the pack house. Will's face appeared in my mind's eye as I let my mind wander. His smile and scent still distracted me something fierce. I somehow managed to love Will more with every passing day, and I smiled happily at that thought. I knew he was training the fighters today, and I debated about heading over to spy on them.

I glanced down from my perch and saw that Tiffany was kissing a guy in a remote corner of the garden. They had just got back last night, and I hadn't met Nathan yet. I swung out of the tree carefully and wandered over. I tilted my head as I crossed my arms and leaned against a tree.

I regarded them for a few moments before commenting, "How long before you two come up for air?"

They both jumped. Nathan automatically moved into a defensive position in front of Tiffany with an instinctive low growl. Neither had heard my approach, and I had known it.

I chuckled and waved a dismissive hand at him. "I am not interested in competing. I hope we all make it out of this life alive."

He blinked in shock at my bizarre greeting. Tiffany groaned at the interruption before reassuring her new mate, "You can ignore her, Nathan; she is mostly harmless. Besides, her mate is an Enforcer."

Nathan's mind started working again as he processed the words 'mate' and 'Enforcer'. He relaxed and went to sit beside Tiffany. Tiffany began the introduction.

"Jade, this is Nathan, my mate. Nathan, this is Jade, my brother's mate."

I came over while holding out my hand and he shook my hand. I was happy when Tiffany had no problems with the contact.

"How did you sneak up on us like that?" Nathan inquired, looking at me in confusion. "I haven't had anyone get that close to me in years without me knowing about it."

I sat on the grass cross-legged and grinned at him. "I lived as a rogue for a while, and I move silently without thinking about it. You were also quite distracted."

They both blushed a bit. I paused and glanced over my shoulder as I watched a black wolf trot along the tree line with her nose to the ground. I was silent as I watched her keep going.

Watching her in confusion, Tiffany asked, "What is Ruby doing?"

"Don't talk so loud or she will hear you," I responded quietly.

Nathan regarded my still form with a faint frown. "Why are you hiding from her?" As a former rogue, he would always be curious about any potential threat or trouble.

I grinned at him, much to his surprise and confusion. I said, "In theory, I am not hiding from her. In reality, she is simply unable to find me."

Tiffany looked more confused after my explanation than before it. "Why is she looking for you? I don't think I have ever met a fighter less interested in regular life."

"She turned over a new leaf."

Tiffany snorted. "Yeah, sure. I will believe that when I see it."

"Just wait and see," I said, grinning in anticipation. "She has been around me almost constantly this last week."

Tiffany blinked in surprise. "I thought Will was easing up in the protection area. What happened?"

"It wasn't Will. Somehow she decided that helping me collect greens, mushrooms, and truffles was more fun than fighting training."

Shaking her head in utter disbelief, she said, "Now I know you are lying. That simply isn't possible."

Nathan focused on me in curiosity. "Speaking of impossible things, how exactly did you know that I was in that valley?"

With a faint sigh, I replied, "It is actually an ability that some Omegas have."

"You aren't an Omega..." I could feel his faint surprise.

Tiffany quickly interjected, "She was designated as an Omega when she was with a different pack. Then she was a rogue for a while before she came here."

"Since it was just a designation," I said, "the rank faded, but the abilities remained. My sensing ability is pretty good, but the rest are weak."

"Well, I am in your debt for guiding her to me. I was shocked when she ran into the camp full tilt looking for me." He grinned at that memory.

Tiffany blushed at his word; she had apparently been quite single-minded in her pursuit.

I told Nathan, "Well, she gets to take you shopping now. I went through one torture session and that was enough for me."

He blinked as Tiffany defended herself with a scoff, "Torture... You survived. Did you ever even use that lingerie?"

"That is for me to know and for you to never find out."

She scowled before her face lit up, and she turned to Nathan. "Oh, that reminds me. What kind of lingerie do you think would look best on me?"

I laughed at his wide-eyed look. The mate bond was making him feel some lust, but the question was like a double-edged sword, and it had him quite uneasy.

"Don't worry, Nathan," I snickered. "Just tell her that you would have to see her in every piece she owns before you can give her your honest opinion. She probably has every type in existence."

Nathan's eyes darkened as Tiffany blushed bright red.

"Jade!" she exclaimed. "You aren't supposed to be helping him!"

I shook my head and muttered, "Well, that did it..."

Seconds later, a black wolf bounded into the garden. She glanced at Nathan and Tiffany before focusing on me eagerly.

"There you are," she said. It looked like she was completely ignoring the other two at this point, but I knew better. "Sylvia says that there is an auction in a couple of days, and she is looking for more truffles. She is hoping we can get some good specimens over the next few days since there is a cooking competition coming up and numerous chefs with deep pockets will be there. Do you have time to go truffle hunting with me today?"

Tiffany's jaw dropped as she overheard the conversation. I felt Ruby's amusement even though she gave no sign of it.

I nodded just as eagerly as I swiftly got to my feet. "These two are about to discuss Tiffany's current collection of lingerie, and anything that gets me out of the immediate vicinity is more than welcome."

Tiffany's face flushed bright red. "That's it! You are so dead!" She lunged towards me.

I quickly shifted and dodged out of the way, taking her by surprise as she flew over me. Ruby chuckled before darting in and gently grabbing the scruff of my neck. She turned and bolted full tilt out of the garden with me in her jaws. I could feel Tiffany's shock at Ruby's action overriding her vengeance while poor Nathan seemed bewildered by what he had just witnessed.

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