Chapter 30

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Tiffany was talking about some sort of fancy dress that she was trying to get a store to bring in for her. I mostly tuned her out since dresses didn't really interest me. My fashion sense went something along the lines of 'if it keeps me warm and dry, then it is good'. She froze mid-sentence, and I felt a wave of shock roll across her mind. I glanced at her and saw that she was staring at me with wide eyes. Will, Samantha, and John were also watching her in confusion.

Tiffany leaned over to gently tug the wide strap of my tank top to the side, revealing the mark on my shoulder. Her eyes bulged out. "And when did this happen?! I thought that it was odd that Will seemed so relaxed, but I didn't expect this yet." She took a deep breath and wave of frustration crossed her mind. She huffed, "I can't even pick up your scent under Will's to see if it has changed. Did you roll in a pile of leaves again? You seem to smell pretty strongly of the forest again."

Samantha and John looked surprised; I guessed that they hadn't noticed the mark either. I said, "I ran around with it all day yesterday and no one commented. My scent is weak because I am a runt, which is why the plants and Will's scent overwhelms mine so easily."

Tiffany shook her head in frustration. "No one tells me anything important. I have to catch it myself every time. At least I have the morning off so we can catch up on gossip. What are your plans for today anyways?"

I shrugged. "Not much. I was asked if I could help with lunch in the smaller kitchen, and this afternoon I have to put together some sort of a plan on how to teach people to both mask their scent and detect those who are doing it."

Tiffany said, "Great, I can help with that this morning."

       Tiffany groaned as she complained, "Why did I agree to this again?"

"I really have no idea."

She perked up. "Oh, right, gossip! So, is your bond completed?!"

I dropped the pan I was washing into the sink of water in shock, splashing both of us. "Is that really the first question you came up with?"

She grinned unrepentantly at me. "Since I can't figure it out on my own, I have to ask."

I sighed. "Yes, although I am not sharing any details."

She clapped her hands in excitement. "Has he seen those grey temptations we bought?!"

"Tiffany! What is it with you and lingerie?!"

She pouted. "I dream of a mate of my own to drive insane one day. The worst part is that I haven't had any luck in finding him - and I made sure to see every guy who visits the pack or passes through. I have even gone to the worst parties in the creepiest packs just in hopes."

She sighed, and I felt her mood become dejected, "I haven't had any luck in finding him." She glanced up at me in speculation as a thought crossed her mind. "You seemed to know who Mark's mate was even before they met. Do you have any guess about who my mate might be? You have seen dozens of packs."

Her mood shifted to hope and excitement. I said, "Mark was mostly coincidence since I had just met Cassie a couple hours before. Nothing is standing out in my mind at the moment."

She sighed and dropped into a chair to gaze up at the ceiling. Disappointment and sadness radiated from her. I didn't like seeing her sad.

I bit my lip lightly, and an old memory came to mind. I spoke slowly, "There actually might be a chance I can give you a lead, but I am not sure if my abilities are strong enough to pull it off."

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