Chapter 27

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We sat outside under a tree as we watched the sunset. I leaned against Will as he wrapped his arm over my shoulders. I was quite comfy, and Will practically doubled as a heater as the air cooled down. Will's finger swirled absent patterns along my arm, leaving trails of sparks and heat. He leaned the side of his head against the top of mine. I twisted my head up to plant a shy kiss on his cheek.

He quickly turned his head to catch my lips with his own. I inhaled slowly as our kiss deepened, awakening emotions that I had never felt until I met Will. His tongue brushed my lips. The sensations were much stronger than they had been last night, rendering the sunset a distant memory.

My arms circled his neck while he wrapped his arms around me to pull me onto his lap and closer to him. I couldn't think straight through the emotions washing across my mind. They were intense, and considering that my shields were still up, they were my own.

We didn't break our intense kiss as Will slowly lowered me to the ground and once more braced himself on his elbows above me. It felt like a fire had been lit inside my body as I still hung onto Will's neck, not willing to break the intoxicating kiss. His hand caressed the side of my face, leaving a trail of heat that awoke butterflies in my stomach.

Our lips parted as we both breathed hard. Will's eyes were nearly black as he looked into mine. "Jade, may I mark you?"

I nodded, tilting my head to the side to let him have easier access to my neck. He gave my lips a soft kiss before skimming his nose above my collarbone. He put another featherlight kiss on my skin before biting down hard. I winced in pain as his teeth and elongated canines easily broke the soft skin and pierced the muscle beneath.

A light-less flash that could only be the mate bond crossed my senses and the pain disappeared. Will released his hold and put light kisses over the rapidly healing wound; the mate bond itself would heal a fresh mark within minutes. The kisses to my mark made my toes curl with a new wave of sensations.

I leaned in to kiss his own neck, and he quickly reclaimed my lips with his own. He broke our kiss to lean his forehead against mine as we panted. Will's voice was rough with desire. "I think we better stop; we are much too close to the kid's playground."

The mark had strengthened the mate bond considerably, and after our heated kissing session, the scents coming off of me weren't something that I wanted others to smell. I gently brushed my thumb along his cheek and asked, "Any idea how you plan to get us to our room without someone scenting us? By the way, no amount of leaves will cover the scent of a fresh mark."

His eyes darkened at the thought of someone coming close to me at the moment. The mate bond was ready to take him for another scenic tour of its strengthening abilities. I thought for a moment before saying, "Let me see if I can sense a clear path. Give me a moment to lower my shields."

I closed my eyes as I lowered my shields and controlled a wince as information once more poured into my strongest sense. The emotions coming off of Will were not helping me keep dirty thoughts out of my mind.

I extended my senses towards the pack house and tried to locate a clear path before my head started pounding. The brush with the mate bond had really battered that sense. Omegas were usually good at locating a route where no one would notice them. There.

I raised my shields in relief and looked at Will. "The back door facing the garden has no one near it. The back stairs that the Omegas often use are also vacant. We just have to listen when we leave the stairwell to ensure that no one is in the hall."

He nodded and leaned in for another kiss that sent tingles across my body before he groaned and pulled back. I noticed that his eyes had darkened again. He sat up, and before I could move, he had scooped me into his arms bridal style as if I weighed no more than a feather. He held me close and nuzzled his face into my hair. Lifting his head, he started jogging through the forest to get to the specified door.

Thankfully, no one appeared and we got into our bedroom undetected. Will laid me gently on the bed before tossing his shirt on the floor and lying beside me. I reached over and gently traced patterns along his chest with my finger idly. He gently played with my hair. "I love you." He leaned in to place a gentle kiss on my forehead as he whispered, "By the way, I am never letting you go."

"I love you too." I replied, a loving smile appearing on my face.

He leaned over to kiss my lips. I reached up to feel my mark to check if it had finished healing. The instant I touched it, sensations shot through the mark and our kiss. It took my breath away with its intensity. In a flash, Will was once more pinning me beneath him. His kiss on my lips shot sensations straight to my stomach, igniting a fire that was building rapidly in intensity. I kissed him back, barely noticing that his muscles were tight.

His one hand dropped down to reach under my shirt and trace patterns along my sides. My stomach tightened with the feelings that his hand was creating. A faint moan somehow appeared in my throat. We broke our kiss to pant for breath. Will leaned in and whispered softly, "Will you be mine forever and always?"

I replied with certainty, "Yes."

Reaching up to kiss him once more, I heard a faint rumble of possessiveness and desire from his chest. It mirrored my own swirl of emotions. I traced the back of my fingernails down his side, and he shuddered faintly from the sensations it aroused in him. He leaned down to plant a solid kiss on my mark, pushing our need and desire past the point of no return.


Author's Note:

I believe that intimate scenes belong behind closed doors, so the chapter above is as close as this story comes to a romance novel.

The next chapter is safe for those who don't like reading the bedroom intimates. :)

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