Chapter 23

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After Ethan left for his office I was alone in my office thinking about today's further events. I noticed there wasn't much work left for me to do. I quickly completed it and went to Alex. It had been a while since I had spent time with my best friend. I could also tell her about me and Ethan. After all it was her motivation that led me to confess my feelings for him.


"Pass me the chips." I said to Alex who was busy watching a movie with a bowl full of chips. We were at my place having a girl time. She passed me the bowl and fixed her gaze back to the screen. I snapped my fingers in front of her to bring her attention back to me. She slapped my hand away and concentrated on the movie.

"Great. Just great. You know what, you can watch the movie happily all alone, I'll go to sleep." I was about to get up frustrated with her behavior. I was trying to talk to her and she was busy with movie. So much for a best friend.

"Okay, okay. Tell me what is it that you want to talk? " She paused the movie and turned towards me with her legs crossed like me.

"What? Nothing specific, just generally, you know? Tell me how's your boyfriend?" I teased her. Whenever I talk about her non- existent boyfriend, she immediately shut up. I knew that she was all romantic and all but she still didn't find 'the one'. She tried dating a few times and said that she was enjoying her time of life and that she didn't want relationships just yet. As far as I knew she was dating an Italian man but I had no idea of what her current relationship status was.

"Shut up! Just because you have a boyfriend doesn't mean that you can taunt me." She faked anger.

"Aww! My baby is hurt?" She laughed loudly and threw the nearby pillow at me.

"I am still single and ready to mingle." She fluttered her eyebrows at me. That made me laugh.

"God, this men are confusing. You know last time I went on a date with this hot guy, who was a lawyer. He was so full of himself and kept talking on and on. What a waste of my lingerie!" I gasped hearing her words.

"Jesus! Alex." That was so embarrassing for me to hear.

"What? Look girl, I don't know how Ethan hasn't convinced you for sex yet, but don't you feel attracted to him, like physical attraction? " That made me red with embarrassment.

"Of course I do, its just that I haven't done it before and I am looking for the right time. I don't want to rush and besides we have plenty of time with that. We have just confessed our love. We are taking it slow. Besides, Ethan doesn't have any problem with that, so it's all fine." I replied with confidence.

She nodded in response. I didn't understand why having sex was so important and urgent. It could wait right? I was happy the way we were and we were doing fine in our relationship. However a tiny part of my brain thought about Ethan. What if Ethan wanted to? What if he expected more from me? Sure, he said that he'll wait for me,but for how long? There was no doubt he was very sweet and caring about that matter. It wasn't like I wasn't attracted to him, of course I was, but I didn't understand why did I feel uncertain about being intimate with him.

The rest of the night we both watched the movie and when it became difficult to stay awake we went to our separate rooms to sleep.


The next day, which was Saturday, meaning no office, I had the day to myself. I quickly finished my morning business and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for me and Queen Alexandra, who was still sleeping like a princess up there.

You & I ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora