Chapter 28

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I was walking through the corridors towards my office, on the way I saw Erica's cabin door was open and slight noises coming from it. She had taken the day off- more like I had stopped her from coming here. But still, who could be in her office now. I went near the door and heard a conversation from someone as if someone was talking on a phone.

"...... No Candice, I had strictly told you not to take the files before tomorrow. They were incomplete..... But.. No, I can't hand over incomplete work to the boss. What do you mean by 'Just take it back from him'? Just because he is kind enough doesn't mean that...... Whatever be careful next time and ask me before taking anything from my office." Erica appeared angry and clicked the phone off and sat on the chair massaging her temples. I cleared my throat and that brought her attention towards me.

"Ethan." She gave me a small smile. I walked in and sat across her.

"Wow, aren't you a stubborn one. I had told you to take the day off then why did you come here?" I asked frustrated.

"Well I like to annoy you." She said cheekily. I couldn't help but smile at that. She was crazy. And I couldn't be mad at her.

"You sounded angry on the phone, is everything okay?" I asked about the previous conversation. Her expression immediately turned to that of a frown.

"That PA of yours, she just doesn't simply get what I tell her. I told her to collect the files from my desk and give them to you tomorrow. But she took them today and I haven't yet finished them. I didn't want you to think that I was being careless and ignoring my responsibilities just because I was your girlfriend."

"Relax, that's not a big deal. And you can take as much advantage of me as you like. I am all yours baby." I said sounding seductive. I wanted to see the blush on her cheeks when I said things like that. Almost instantly she ducked her head down and blushed. I felt my mission accomplished. I chuckled at her reaction and she just tried to hide her smile.

"Listen, I have to go now but if you feel ill then let me know, okay? " I said as I had to leave for a conference in a few minutes. She just nodded. I stood to leave but she called my name stopping me.

"Ethan wait." She came near me and stood there with her head ducked down and she was biting her lip. A clear sign of nervousness.

"I........... I want to............ "

I just cocked my brows at her gesturing her to say further. She took a deep breath and before I knew she was on me or more like her lips were on me. She pulled at my jacket but I was too confused to react. Normally Erica would be very shy when it came to kissing or Lovemaking. When the first time we made love, she was very nervous and I knew how much courage it would have taken her to make the first move. When I regained my senses I immediately encircled my arms around her and pulled her to my body and kissed her back.


I don't know what happened to me suddenly I felt myself wanting to kiss him. I was nervous to kiss him first but then I realized that he was my boyfriend and I could do whatever I wanted to do with him. He wouldn't complain. We were making out in my office and I felt Ethan's fingers skim under my top caressing the skin of my back. My top had risen and he was feeling up my skin and I was enjoying every bit of it. His fingers went higher and higher until he found the clasp of my bra and just then....

"Oh My God!" I shrill female voice echoed through the room. We both instantly pulled apart to see Alex standing there with a horrified expression. I quickly straightened my top and stepped away. It was clear that she had seen her best friend and her boss making out and what's more he was my boss too.

" Alex.. " I said breathless. She was smirking at me with her head ducked down. I was never going to hear the end of it.

" Miss Demakis, I believe that you must know to knock on the door before coming in." Ethan said authoritatively and I was shocked to hear that. He never used that tone on me but I guess that's because I was his girlfriend. I sometimes tend to forget that even though he is very good towards his employees he still has a company to run and he had to be commanding. But it was Alex we were talking about. She was my best friend and she would usually barge in like she owned the place. Though I was a little annoyed at her today because if she hadn't interrupted us we would me making out or supposedly having sex right here in my office. The thought itself was very exciting. I had to stop myself from squealing.

What am I even thinking? I shook my head at myself.

"I am sorry sir. I didn't know you would be here." She said her head bent down. I almost felt bad for her.
There was no need for Ethan to get angry.

"Its okay Alex. You don't need to apologize." I tried to reassure her.

"It's not okay. I won't tolerate such a behavior. What if someone else was here?"Ethan said angrily. I didn't understand why he was so angry.

"Ethan, calm down. Its not like she doesn't know about us. And what if someone else came here?I don't see any problem there." Now it was my turn to get angry. Ethan was acting irrational and I was getting frustrated with his behavior.

"What? Do you want people to talk about us? Because I certainly don't want that. We can't do that." He said as if me asking the question was ridiculous.

"Why do want us to be hidden? Why can't we be open with our relationship? We love each other than what is the problem? Why do you keep hiding our relationship? Are you ashamed of me, is that it?" He made a frustrated sound and pinched his nose in irritation. It should be me who has to be irritated not him.

"Erica, I am not having this conversation again, not in front of my employees." He said directing at Alex who said at the door awkwardly. Her eyes widened in alarm and she quickly said, "I'll leave." She began to walk out but I stopped her.

"No wait, Alex isn't going anywhere. She is my best friend and she will stay here." I said looking directly in his eyes and crossing my arms in front front of me.

"No its okay Erica, I'll leave. You two should probably solve your issues in private." She said apologetically.

"No Alex. Wait." I said and looked at Ethan who was very much frustrated.

"Tell me, you haven't answered me yet. Why is this a problem?" I was very much angry at Ethan and he was making me more angry by simply acting as if he was annoyed.

"Erica, we'll talk some other time. I'm leaving." With that he walked out of the office and slammed the door shut. Alex looked at me with pity all over her face, while all I wanted to do was strangle Ethan. How could he be so irrational? I don't even know what goes in his mind?

"You know you didn't have to do that for me, right? Its my fault that I barged in. You shouldn't fight with your boyfriend for me. "

"Come on Alex, its nothing. I am just mad at him for doing such a thing. He didn't need to be an ass about it. You know he wasn't like this earlier. I don't know what's happening to him lately. " I said sadly. This was a constant thing nowadays. I didn't understand why we had to be secretive about this whole relationship thing.

"Its going to be okay baby. He'll come around." She patted my arm reassuringly and gave me a smile. I gave her a small smile in return and hoped that everything would be fine.


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