Chapter 41

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That was really fast, isn't it? I try to update as fast as possible and I used to post updates everyday earlier but lately I have been very busy with my studies so I hardly get time to think of something.




"Ethan, I have something to tell you." Erica said coming out of the kitchen. Her face had fallen. I hated to see her like that, sad and broken. At the same time I wondered what might be so important that she willingly wanted to talk to me.

"Yes. Why do you appear so sad baby?" I said cupping her cheek. I half expected her to slap my hand away but she didn't, instead she leaned on my touch as if she was finding comfort in it.

"Ethan... I.." Tears flew through her eyes and I panicked seeing her crying.

"What happened?" I asked again. But Erica didn't answer instead she hiccuped a sob and wiped her own tears.

"I wanted to tell you something important about us for a long time now." I nodded gesturing for her to speak.

"You remember that day when I was sick and you didn't want me to come to office?" I slowly recalled that day. It was the dame day we had a fight. Probably due to the past few days I had forgotten about her sickness.

"Well, after that Alex insisted that I go to the doctor and have a full check up. But I didn't go right away. I just thought it was my upset stomach or something. After that you and Christine.... We broke up and I was so depressed that I didn't care about myself. But when I continued feeling sick and I fainted a couple of times...So Alex threatened me to take to the doctor herself. So I went on that day I went to the hospital and... " She trailed the sentence leaving me hanging. I felt panic rise up within me. The thought of Erica being in sickness was simply upsetting. We were somewhere near establishing ourselves, we didn't need any health issues now. I would die if anything would happen to her.

When she didn't continue further I felt anxious. "You are scarring me baby." I spoke my true feelings. She looked at me with hope in her eyes. I couldn't bear seeing her like this.

"I took the tests and everything was normal but.. " She stopped and I immediately knew that she was about to say something that was very much heartbreaking for me or for her. I could see that Erica wasn't able to speak the truth so she came closer to me and took my hand in hers. I instantly gave it to a gentle squeeze reassuring her that everything would be fine.

"Its okay baby. Everything will been fine. We'll go through this sickness together. I'll be by your side always. You'll be fine." But Erica shook her head and spoke "I am not sick Ethan. No that's not the case. Infact I am much better than before." She said. Seeing my confused state Erica took my hand in hers and placed it on her stomach. I was confused for a moment before realization dawned on me. It couldn't be what I was thinking, could it? Because all I think about at that moment was it.

"I am pregnant Ethan. You are going to be a daddy." The words echoed through my mind until all I could hear was them. My head felt as if I was spinning and I was in a shock state.


Ethan remained frozen for a moment. His eyed were widened and his mouth was open. I wanted him to say something beacuse it was killing me to know his response but I instantly regretted ever wishing that because his next words shocked me.

"No, you are lying." He said. I just stared at him not believing that he just said that to me.

"I know you are lying. Don't f*ck with my mind Erica. This isn't funny. You are lying. You just want to make me feel shitty about myself and trust me I do, but not this one. Nah!" Ethan said shaking his head and pulled his hand away from me.

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