Chapter 27

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I saw entire Monroe family dressed in immaculate attires. The women wore pretty dresses, while the men wore dark suits. I did a once over on Ethan and he looked like he just stepped out of an award show. But just then I remembered that he was supposed to be out of town for the day. If he was here in front of me and I am definitely not somewhere else that means he lied to me. But why?

"Martin, good to see to see you. Meet my beautiful daughter, Erica." Dad spoke to Mr. Monroe. I could see the similarities between Ethan and his dad. The pretty genes ran in the family. I politely smiled at him. He smiled in return and spoke.

"Ah,Erica. Glad to finally meet you after Richard kept on talking about you for years." I saw Juliette, Seb and Ella's expression behind Mr. Monroe. They looked pale and Juliette appeared as if she had choked on air.I hoped not.

Finally I saw Ethan looking at me with a guilty expression. He should be, after all he had lied to me. Out of town my ass! Why did he lie to me? Sure there must be some reason, why else would he hide this from me? It wasn't like I would be upset just because he came to dinner with Dad's family. But why lie? Memories of a few days back when Christine came to office flashed back. They seemed to be in an argument, Ethan hadn't told me yet what had happened.

"Erica." Ethan spoke loud enough for the room to hear. Mr. Monroe looked at Ethan in disbelief. Actually everyone was surprised.

"You know her?" Mr. Monroe spoke the word 'her' with such a distaste as if I were a disgusting piece of crap. I assumed that he didn't quite like me.

"Yes. Actually Erica works in our company. She is our employee." Came Ethan's reply. I was more hurt with his reply than his Dad's distaste towards me. Now I was just an employee? After all that we have been through the past couple of weeks, Ethan couldn't even introduce me as his girlfriend? My eyes stung with tears. I felt an ache in my heart. I masked my tears with a quick smile and added some words of my own.

"Yes. Actually, Ethan is a very good employer. I am glad that I could work with him. Its a surprise to see you here, Sir."

Ethan's eyes narrowed at the word Sir.

Take that b*tch!

"You two have a very casual relationship for an employee and an employer." Christine descended from the stairs wearing a beautiful dress that reached up to her knees. She looked very beautiful. But I didn't like the sadistic smile on her face.

"I am guessing that Ethan likes to get more comfortable with his employees, afterall he is an excellent boss." She came and stood by Ethan's side and grabbed his arm. I was shocked with her actions. Where was this going? Seeing my confused reaction Christine smiled and said, "Don't be surprised, I am sure Ethan must have told you that we are getting married soon."

The words rang through my ears over and over again until they finally registered in my brain. Ethan stood uncomfortably with her and looked guilty. That's all I needed to hear. So this was the reason that Ethan was lying to me. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing to me.

"Oh come on, we can talk later, first lets get to dinner." Seb announced excitedly. More like covering up for his brother.

We all get to dinner but the sudden news of Ethan and Christine getting married and Ethan not giving me any damn explanation made me lose my appetite. Everyone was enjoying the meal and having fun. Seb and Ella were bickering about something. Juliette and Mia were talking. The other men were discussing about business except Ethan.

He was starring at me with an apologetic expression. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. This entire situation made me feel out of place and I was regretting coming here.

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